10 Year Old Lily: Part 2

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Victor's P.O.V

It's been about a month since Lily started homeschooling and I've seen a huge change since then. She seems to be happy more which makes me happy. Having her homeschooled is not only good for her but it works out in my favor as well. Being homeschooled means she's at home for a good chunk of her day which means she's protected.

My home has the best security you can get plus I have men positioned to make sure it is safe. Some of them you may not see so it seems like there aren't that many but that's the point. If a threat comes and takes out the easily seen men, they won't see the ones that are hidden. That way the ones hidden can take them out or at the very least hold them off until back up comes.

Another plus is, most of the time, I work from home so I get to see my little princess a lot more.


Sighing, I close the file I was looking at and set it on my desk. Getting up, I make my way out of my office and towards the dining room. As I walk in, I see Lily's teacher, Mrs. Applebom, getting up from her seat on the dining table with her bag. "Done already?" I ask walking over to them. I give Lily a kiss on her head and then look up over to her teacher.

"Yes we are." she smiled but I could still see a small part of fear in her not wanting to say anything bad to get on my bad side. "Actually, I was hoping to talk with you about Lily's progress so far. I like to talk to the parents about once a month about their kids progress especially after the first month." The fear in her grows as she speaks of her request.

Nodding my head I look back down towards Lily and ask her to head up to her room for a little bit. Like me, she nods and gathers up her books and stuff. SHe says bye to Mrs. Applebom and walks out. Sitting down in her seat, I gesture to the chair she got up from. She sits and puts her bag in her lap like it's a protective barrier between us.

She took a deep breath before beginning. "So Lily has adjusted to homeschooling really well. Probably the best out of any kid I have taught. She has little to no trouble with the work we do together and she always does her homework on time with little to no errors. She absorbs so much information fast and understands all of it. I keep having to add more and more work for our lessons because we just go through it so fast." She said with a smile and I couldn't help the smirk come onto my face.

"So one of the things I like to do with my students is have them write an essay on what they'd like to be when they're older. Now usually the student is around thirteen/fourteen when I assign this but with the way Lily is progressing, I decided to give it to her now." she continued pulling out pieces of paper from her bag and handing it to me. "It helps me teach them because I take what they've said and tweak our lessons to help aid them more in the field they want to pursue later on in life."

"I've noticed how passionate Lily is for science so I wasn't surprised when she wrote about becoming a doctor." she finished and I couldn't help but smile.

"Sounds like my little girl." I muttered out ss I continued to read her essay. Mrs. Applebom left soon after, leaving the essay with me. Setting the essay down on the table, I get up and go to Lily's room. Knocking on her door, I hear a small 'come in' and open the door to see Lily at her desk working on her homework. Sitting down on her bed with my back resting on the back board, I motion for her to come over.

She joins me on her bed and cuddles into my side. "So I just finished the meeting with your teacher." I tell her and she looks up at me waiting for me to continue.

"You're doing amazing as usual." I told her grinning like a maniac and hugging her a little tighter. "She showed me your essay on what you want to be when you grow up. You wanna be a doctor."

She smiled wide and nodded her head against my chest. "Ya, I like the idea of helping people." she confessed.

"Well how would you feel if I made it so you can shadow Doc? Experience what it's like to be a doctor, see if it is something you really want to do, and think about what kind of doctor you want to be." I ask her and before I even finish she's nodding her head up and down. Laughing, I tell her I'll set it up tonight for her to do during the weekends.

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