16 Year Old Lily: Part 3

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Lily's P.O.V

It has been about two months since I went to get my books alone with Thorn. I've started my classes since then and it has been weird getting used to learning with other students around me. It helps that Thorn is with me and even though he keeps it professional, we've grown a lot closer to each other.

Walking through the door of my house, I am met with dad walking towards the door with a man. "Ah, Lily you're home." dad said walking over to me and giving me a hug and a kiss on the head. "Lily this is Mr. O'Reilly." dad said turning towards the man. "Mr. O'Reilly this is my daughter Lily."

"Good to meet you Lily." Mr. O'Reilly said giving me a slight nod.

Smiling shyly I replied, "Nice to meet you too." Dad walked back over to Mr. O'Reilly and began talking as they stood in front of the front door. I took that as my queue to leave, Thorn right behind me. As I reached the stairs dad's voice rang out. "Thorn, go find your dad and Lily be ready by six thirty, we're going out to dinner." Mumbling an 'ok' as Thorn nodded his head, we went our separate ways.


Putting on my shoes, I made my way downstairs where my dad and brothers are waiting. Once I got to them, we made our way outside where I saw Thorn about to get into one of the black SUV's that hold bodyguards. He turns his head towards me and I give him a small smile and wave. His mouth forms a small smile and nods in my direction. "Lil's come on, let's go, don't want to be late." Sylas said causing my attention to divert from Thorn to my family.

Glancing over in Thorn's direction, I notice he's already in the car and get in mine as well. Once the door shut we start moving in the direction of the restaurant. The drive was long and I was happy when we got there. Upon getting out, my dad and brothers surrounded me, making sure I am safe. With dad and Sylas on my left and right, I grabbed their hands and started swinging them back and forth as we walk inside the restaurant.

When we walk in the restaurant goes silent as usual. Not liking them staring I grip my dad's and Sylas's hands tighter and look down. A few seconds later a timid voice said, "This way Mr. Black, we have your private table ready." Dad and Sylas started moving causing me to move along with them. I hear a door open and finally decide to look up to see the room we'll be having dinner. The room is in the back of the restaurant and to others who haven't been in here might think this room would be not a good place to eat dinner because of its location.

This room is actually one of my favorites. It has this one wall that is made up of windows overlooking the city. Letting go of dad and Sylas's hands, I skip over to to the middle seat on the side that faces the window. Dad comes and sits down on my left, Jay sits down on my right, while Levi sits across from Jay, Alec sits across from me, and Sylas sits across from dad. Six of dads men stand along the perimeter of the room along with Thorn standing along the way behind me. Picking up the menu that was already set on the table when we walked in, I start looking through the options.

The door to the room opens and I see a waiter walk in. I can tell he's nervous about serving my family by the way he's shaking. "Can I start you guys off with something to drink?" he says stuttering a couple of times.

"What do you want to drink princess?" dad asks looking down at me.

Looking at dad then the waiter, I shyly said, "Coke please." The waiter nodded and continued to take the others drinks orders then left to go and get them.

After picking what I want, I set my menu down and admire the view from the window. I was so into the view I hadn't noticed my name being called until I felt myself being shaken. Snapping my head towards my left I see dad looking at me and from the corner of my eye my brothers as well. My cheeks flush as I ask him to repeat. "What do you want to eat princess?" After telling the waiter what I want he scampered out of the room.


Sitting my fork down with a content sigh, I leaned back in my chair. "Already done Lils?" Levi laughed as he saw that I still had about half of my spaghetti still on my plate.

"Sorry I don't have an endless pit of a stomach like you Levi." I laughed throwing a piece of garlic bread at him causing the rest of them to laugh too. Before Levi could say anything else one of the windows along the wall shattered and one of dads men fell to the ground. The next thing I know I am being pulled out of my seat and down to the ground behind the flipped over table as gunshots are flying through the room.

Thorn has me glued to him as him along with others figure out the safest way out of the room. I can feel my heart beating in my ears. It's beating so hard I feel like it's going to beat right out of my chest. Suddenly I feel Thorn slightly getting up but just enough he's still hiding behind the table. He pulls me up with him by the arm he has wrapped around my stomach. Now I get why. We're going to use it to help get us to the door.

When we get to the door, Sylas goes first and nods that's it's all clear. Dad yells at Thorn to get me out next. Thorn quickly gets up with my back pressed tightly against his chest as he moves us out of the room. One by one the rest of my siblings rushed through the door lastly followed by dad. I scanned each and every one of them over searching for any sign of them being hurt but felt an immense sense of relief when I didn't see any.

Dad is yelling up a storm and it felt like forever until the chaos seemed to die down some. The gunshots have ended, which I'm happy about because it was giving me a headache and the loud sounds they made hurt my ears.

A lot of dads men had come and ushered us out to the cars. I was shoved in first along with Thorn who had settled me onto his lap so the others could fit in as well. Once everyone is inside, the car takes off. It takes off so abruptly my back slams against Thorn causing him to let out a groan. Turning around, my eyes immediately go down to his stomach where I see blood rushing out. Tears started falling down my cheeks. "No, no, no, no, no! Daddy!" I yelled looking towards him.

Dad moves and switches the seat next to me and Thorn with Alec. He takes off his jacket and moves my hands to place it on his stomach then moved my hands back. "It's going to be okay." dad said in a calm voice which infuriated me. How can he be so calm? Thorn is dying.

"He's dying daddy." I cried, my voice cracking. 

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