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I'm so sorry, for not posting in a while and for finally updating but with the epilogue. Honestly I'm just not really feeling this story anymore and college just has been really stressful with spring semester and summer session and having to figure out which schools I want to apply for transfer in the fall. And knowing that I will be extremely busy/stressed out with classes and applications in the fall, I just didn't think I would have enough time to write. I didn't want to just leave the story hanging and it felt like the right thing to do by ending the story here. Please don't hate me.

**6 Years Later**

Lily's P.O.V

Taking a deep breath, I walk up the steps of the stage and towards the center where Dean Carrington stood. My head swivels to the left as I hear my family and Thorn cheering me on causing a huge smile to spread across my face. Making it to Dean Carrington, he hands me my diploma and shake hands before continuing my way off the stage. I can't believe I am done. I graduated from med school. All the years of studying had paid off and now I can finally be a doctor.

Once the ceremony had ended, I got up from my seat and started looking for my family. Fortunately, it wasn't that hard because my whole family, except for me, and Thorn is very tall. "There's my little graduate!" dad grinned once he spotted me and opened his arms. Running, I jump into his arms, my arms wrapping around his neck as his went around my waist. "I'm so proud of you. I know your mother is very proud of you right now." he breathed out, squeezing me tight.

"Thanks dad. I couldn't have done it without you." I said back, tearing up a bit at the mention of mom. I know I never got to really meet her but dad and my brothers told me so many stories about her that it feels like I have.

"What about us? We'd like to congratulate the graduate too!" Jay whined. Letting out a laugh I let go of dad and wrapped my arms around him. "Congratulations!" he said giving me a quick squeeze.

This repeated with the rest of my siblings until Thorn was the only one left. He had a giant smile on his face. Like the others, when I turned towards him, he had his arms out ready to give me a hug. Jumping into his arms, he pulls me close whispering a congratulations in my ear then pressing a kiss to the side of my head. I stayed in his arms a bit longer than the others because he's my boyfriend and between you and me, he's a really huggable. Once we did separate we took a lot of photos to remember this moment.

About an hour later we're sitting inside a nice restaurant that dad had rented out just to celebrate my graduation, surrounded by our whole entire family and Thorns family. I am currently sitting with two of my cousins catching up when someone clears their throat and telling the crowd to calm down. A voice that sounded all too familiar.

Looking around the room my eyes fall on a familiar face. Scrunching my eyebrows in confusion, I watch waiting to see what the heck he is up to. "Hello everyone. It's nice to see all of you again. Firstly, I would like to congratulate Lily one more time on her graduation. I'm so proud of you sweetheart." he started looking right at me and giving me a smile. My cheeks heated up as the crowd cheered and all eyes switched to me for a quick moment before turning back to my boyfriend.

"Secondly, I have been dating Lily for about six years now and they have been the best six years of my life. I wanted to do this in front of you all because you all are very important to Lily." He said and started walking towards me. My breath hitched in my throat at what I think he is doing. Kneeling on one knee in front of me, he pulled out a small box and said, "I love you Lily, so so much. Will you marry me?"

I look at him then to the ring and gasp when I realize that it's my moms ring that dad gave her. Whenever I would look through pictures of mom, I would always admire the ring. Tears well up in my eyes and my head shoots up to look at dad. He has tears in his eyes too and a soft smile. Looking back at Thorn, a big smile spreading on my lips. "Yes." I say and throw my arms around his neck.

I must have caught him off guard a bit because he fell back onto his butt. I could vaguely hear my family cheering and clapping as I pull back a bit from Thorn. He slips the ring on my finger and pulls me in for a kiss.

For the rest of the night our family congratulated us and of course each member of my family would pull Thorn aside to give him the 'You hurt you die and I know how to make it happen. We are a mafia family after all' speech.

Thank you all for reading and once again sorry that the first time I am updating in a long time is the last chapter of the book.

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