5 Year Old Lily: Part 6

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Lily's P.O.V

"Daddy, do we have to go? I like it here." I ask as I watch daddy pack up my clothes. I'm supposed to be packing up my toys but I don't want to leave yet. Daddy stopped packing up my clothes and looked at me.

"I know you love it here but we do have to go back home. You and your brothers have school tomorrow." daddy says as he continues packing up my clothes. Sighing, I start grabbing my toys and putting them in another suitcase.

When we were done, daddy brought our suitcases downstairs and handed it off to another man dressed in black. He took them and put them in our car. "Alright princess, do you need to use the bathroom before we go?" daddy asks but I shake my head no. I went to get in the car when I was suddenly picked up. Squealing, I turn my head and see Alec. Squealing again, I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Ready to go home?" Alec asks as he steps towards the car.

Shaking my head 'no', I rest my head on his shoulder. "I don't want to go. I love it here."

"Awe, don't worry Lily, we'll be back again before you know it for Christmas." Alec says as he sets me down in my seat and straps me in. Soon after he strapped me in, him and my other brothers got in too, while daddy talked to someone. I watched as he started walking over to us and got in the car too.


"Lily, can you please come here for a moment." Ms Franny asks as I was packing up my backpack. Zipping up my backpack, I walked over to her. "I wanted to know if you completed the work I gave you over break?"

I almost forgot. Setting my backpack down, I quickly unzipped my it and hand her the math problems and the book she gave me. "How did it go?" she asks.

"It was easy and fun. There were a few words I didn't know in the book that my daddy and brothers had to help me with but I liked it." I told her excitedly.

Ms Franny smiled big and set the book and math problems on her desk. "That's great Lily. Well, I will look over the math problems and let you get home. Your dad or brother must be wondering where you are." Smiling at her, I tell her goodbye and leave. I see daddy walking towards me and I run up to him and jump into his arms.

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