5 Year Old Lily: Part 5

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Lily's P.O.V

We've been at our cabin for a few days now and it has been really fun. We played outside a lot, climbing trees and swimming and so much more. Daddy is upstairs right now while my brothers and I are in the living room. I am playing with some of my toys while my brothers are playing a game on the TV. They do and don't seem to like the game because sometimes they will yell at the TV or be jumping up and down really happy.

Standing up from my spot on the carpet, I made my way to one of the windows that opens up to the backyard. It looks really pretty outside, I could just look outside all day long. My eyes trailed along the forest that wasn't too far away but stopped when I saw a man. He was looking at our house. I was staring at him hard and confused, I didn't notice daddy coming into the room.

"There's my princess. What are you doing over here?" daddy asks but I don't turn to look at him, keeping my eyes on the man. Pointing towards him I say, "Daddy, look, there's a man." It wasn't until daddy picked me up that I finally looked away. Daddy set me down in between Alec and Levi on the couch. It was then I noticed my brothers stopped playing their game and were looking at either daddy or to the backyard.

Sy walked up to daddy and they started whispering before daddy pulled out his phone. He was typing something as he walked out of the room. "What's going on? Why is there a man in the woods?" I asked really confused.

Alec's P.O.V

Getting up from my spot on the couch, I take a couple steps until I'm in front of Lily. Crouching down, I give her a small smile before saying, "Remember how I told you when we got here daddy had to go talk to someone to make sure while we're here, we're safe?" She gave me a small nod, confusion still showing on her face. "Well, that man you saw, might not be one of the men trying to keep us safe."

Lily didn't say anything after that but you could see she's a bit scared. Not even a second later we hear dad yell causing Lily to jump and curl into Jay's lap. "Daddy's scary when he's yelling." I vaguely hear her mumble into Jay's chest. Dad yells a couple more time and we see a couple of dad's men rushing towards the area Lily saw the man. Not even a second later dad walks into the room looking upset.

Victor's P.O.V

I don't even know why I have security if they can't do their fucking job. They're supposed to be watching out for threats but no, my own daughter had to spot a man watching us from the woods. Slamming my phone down on the dining room table, I stomp back into living room where all my kids heads turn to look at me except for one. Lily. She's curled herself into Jay, no doubt from me yelling on the phone.

Not even saying anything, I walk over to Jay and take Lily from him. Her arms wrapped tightly around my neck and her head is buried deep in my neck. She peaked out at me before hiding her face again. "Daddy scary." I heard her mumbled against my neck.

It breaks my heart to know I scared her. "I'm sorry princess. I didn't mean to scare you. I got upset because someone put you and your brothers in danger." I told her rubbing her back soothingly. She gave me a small 'okay' but I knew she was still upset about me yelling.

Looking up from Lily I spot Mark standing by one of the back doors that lead to the back yard. He gestures for me to come outside so I look towards Sylas, who has a knowing look on his face. He walks over to me and picks up Lily, who reluctantly lets go of me and wraps her arms around Sylas's neck. Walking towards the backyard, I open the door and slip out, closing the door behind me.

Walking a bit away from the door, away from the windows and out of sight from my kids, I look at Mark. "We got him. He's chained up and not going anywhere. He isn't talking yet but we'll get the answers out of him sooner or later. I also had John get prints off of him so we'll get an ID soon. I got this covered sir." he said nodding at the end.

Nodding my head up and down a couple times, I snap my right arm out and wrap my hand around his neck and slam him up against the wall. With anger coursing through my veins, I growled, "You've got this covered? My five year old daughter had to do your job for you. It doesn't look like you've got this covered. I am trying to have a nice relaxing vacation with my family and I can't do that when intruders are spying on us and what is supposed to be my security isn't securing the area and keeping my kids safe!"

"I-I'm s-sorry. It w-won't happ-pen again, I s-swear." he stuttered out while trying to get me to loosen my grip on his neck. Looking into his eyes I could tell he was being sincere so I let him go and he fell to the ground, clutching his neck.

A second later I walk back into my home, my kids waiting for me. "Everything is fine." I assured them. "But it is best for the rest of today we stay inside and keep all the doors and windows, anything that opens outside, closed and locked. Tonight, you're all going to be camping out in my room. It's the safest room in the house."

For the rest of the night it was tense. 

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