5 Year Old Lily: Part 1

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Lily's P.O.V

I sit on one of the beds in the nurse's office as I wait for daddy to come pick me up. One of the girls in my class, Jenny, didn't like it that I was doing better than her in class and during recess she cornered me and hit me a couple times before one of a teacher came and stopped her. Another teacher came and took me to Nurse Mary. She said I have a black eye and a busted lip but that's it. "Alright sweetheart, I am going to put this ice pack on your eye; it's going to be cold." Nodding, I let her place the ice pack on my eye. I flinch from the cold but let her keep it on my face.

A few minutes later daddy busts into the room making me and Nurse Mary jump. Daddy rushes towards me and picks me up. I wrap my arms tight around daddy's neck and hide my face in his neck. "What happened?!" daddy yelled at Nurse Mary making me tighten my arms around him. "I don't know. You'll have to talk to the principle about it." nurse Mary stuttered. Daddy then yelled for her to get out.

When she was gone daddy put me back on the bed I was on and pulled a chair in front of me and sat down. "Are you okay princess?" he asks looking at my eye and lip. "I'm okay. My eye still hurts a little bit." I told him quietly. Daddy looked to the side and saw the ice pack Nurse Mary must have dropped on the bed. He grabbed it and gently placed it on my eye.

After a few seconds of silence daddy asked, "What happened?" Looking down I said, "Miss Franny was telling me I was doing really well in class, better than everyone else and I guess Jenny didn't like that so at recess she cornered me and hit me a couple times." Daddy sighed and took off the ice pack. "I'm going to go talk to the principle and make sure she is punished for hitting you. Then we are going to go home, I'm going to have the chef make all your favorites for dinner and then for dessert, an ice cream sundae. You deserve it for doing so well in class."

My eyes widened and I nodded my head really fast in agreement. Daddy picked me up again and brought me out of the nurse's office. He started walking towards the principle's office and just walked into his office without knocking. I saw Jenny sitting on one of the chairs in front of the principal's desk next her dad. She gave me a mean look and I turned away hiding my face in daddy's neck.

"Mr. Black. I'm glad you're here. This is Mr. Jenkins and his daughter Jenny and this is Miss Franny, the girls teacher, and Mr. Lopez. They were there when the incident happened." Principle Shay said nervously. "Please take a seat." Daddy moved and sat down with me on his lap. "To catch you up Mr. Black, I had Lily tell me her side of the story in the nurse's office and Jenny told her side and I also had Miss Franny and Mr. Lopez tell me what they saw and what happened when they intervened." Principle Shay started.

While he talked I kept my eyes down afraid to look up at Jenny. "So I have come to the conclusion that Jenny, here, is the one to blame. She started the fight, she threw the first hit. We were all talking about possible punishments and we have come up with, for the rest of the week Jenny won't be allowed to go to recess and in that time will be helping Miss Franny with anything she deems fit in the classroom. Now I can't control what Mr. Jenkins decides as punishment at home but he has mentioned grounding and no tv for the rest of the day."

"And what happens if after all this, she still causes trouble?" daddy asks. "If she still causes trouble we'll move Jenny to another class and if it continues after that, I'll have to meet with Mr. Jenkins again about the possibility of Jenny going to another school."

Victor's P.O.V

I was beyond livid. When I got the call from Lily's principle saying another girl hit her, pissed couldn't even describe how I felt. I stormed out of my office and rushed to her school. When Mr. Shay was talking about punishments I wanted it to be worse because she hurt my princess but I had to keep in mind she was five.

"That sounds fine but I want her away from my daughter. They sit on opposite sides of the room and play on the opposite sides of the playground." I told them to which they agreed but I mean why wouldn't they? No one dares to say no to me. I know they know who I am and what I am capable of so they wouldn't do anything to get on my bad side.

With that the meeting was over. I gave that girl Jenny a glare, to which she flinched, and walked out, with Lily in my arms. Before I could get far a voice stopped me. Turning around I see Miss Franny. "If you don't mind staying a couple more minutes I'd like to talk to you about Lily and how well she's doing." Nodding I followed her to her classroom. She sat down in her chair and offered me a seat. Sitting down I set Lily on the ground. "Why don't you go get your stuff together." I told her and she nodded walking away.

Turning back to her teacher she started, "So Lily has done really well so far in class. She is my top student. She has no problems with any of the math and reading assignments I give her. As you may know, spring break is next week and I understand if you are busy and can't do it but I'd like to give Lily a harder book and math problems to try over the break. When she comes back, if she did well I will be giving her that kind of level work until the year ends."

Proud. That's all I'm feeling right now. Lily came walking back over with her backpack. She set it down next to my seat and I picked her up and placed her on my lap. "Lily, would you like Miss Franny to give you a harder book and math problems to do over the break?" I ask. I am all for it but I want to make sure she's okay with it too.

"Yes." She says nodding her head vigorously. Letting out a small chuckle, I turn to her teacher. "You heard her." Miss Franny nodded and replied, "Alright. On Friday I will give Lily her book and a few pages of math problems." Nodding, I stood up with Lily in my arms and grabbed her backpack. Making my way out of the classroom, out the school and to my car. My driver opens the door and I slid us in. Setting Lily in her seat, I make sure she's strapped in and then strap myself in. My driver starts the car and takes off towards home.

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