16 Year Old Lily: Part 4

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A/N: The long wait is over. A P.O.V for Thorn has finally come.

Thorn's P.O.V

Unbelievable pain. That's the first things that comes to mind. Pain I have never felt before courses through my stomach. My memory of why my stomach hurts flows through my mind and one thing pops into my head. Lily. The last thing I remember is Lily finding the gunshots in my stomach then that's it. I have no idea if we got to the Black mansion safely and I have no idea if Lily is safe. God, she better be safe.

I can feel my heart start to speed up at the thought of Lily not safe. Then I heard it, her voice. I can't make out what she's saying but I know it's hers. I feel her hand tighten around mine and I felt calmer.

Slowly, my eyes peeled open and I see her beautiful face looking down at me with concern but immediately lit up when I opened my eyes. "Are you okay? Of course you're not okay you've been shot, three times. Does it hurt a lot? I think it's about time to get more pai..." I cut her off her rant by grabbing her arm and pulling her towards me. Once she was closed to me I gently grabbed her face and pulled her towards me planting my lips on hers.

She was frozen and took a few seconds to realize what was going on but then started to move her lips with mine. I could tell this is her first kiss and I kind of suspected it but it doesn't bother me. I'm glad I get to be her first.

We continue our little make out session until a cough interrupts us. Separating, Lily's face flushes bright red as whom I assume the doctor is, is standing in the doorway. "I can come back later." he said ready to leave.

"Uh, no it's fine." Lily stammered, face still red. She's so adorable. He nodded and walked over to me. Lily sat down in a chair that was already pulled up next to my bed. She goes to hold my hand but then retracts it. Laughing, I extend my arm and grab her hand, intertwining it with mine, which only causes her to flush more.

Turning towards doc, I let him do a check up. "How are you feeling? Any pain in your abdomen?" he asks checking my vitals.

"Tired and some pain in my abdomen but that's it." I told him.

"Well tiredness and pain is expected after what you went through. The tiredness is really up to you so make sure lots of rest but one thing I can help with is the pain. Here is some more pain medication, it should kick in, in about a minute and should last about eight hours. If you feel anything else even the slightest thing like a headache tell me. It may seem like nothing but in reality could be a big deal." he instructed. Nodding in understanding, he grabbed his clipboard and left.

Silence hung over Lily and me until she spoke up. "Your dad was here earlier. He went to get a shower, some food, and check in to see if there is any new leads." Nodding, she continued. "He's really nice and sweet and loves you a lot. The whole time you were unconscious, apart from the occasional showers/bathroom runs and food, he's been by your side." I'm glad she's getting along with my dad. Silence came again and I can tell her mind is racing to think of something to say.

Tugging on her hand a little, she gets up and gets closer to me. Bringing her closer to me I begin to kiss her again. I feel her smile into the kiss causing me to smile too. Unfortunately we were interrupted again, just this time by my growling stomach. She giggled and pulled away. "How about I go get you some food?" she asks not really giving me time to answer as she starts moving towards the door.

Lily's P.O.V

Walking into the kitchen, our cook stops and gives me a smile. "What can I do for you miss Lily?"

Smiling back I asked, "Can you make a plate of food for Thorn? Nothing too hard for him to swallow and digest."

"Of course I can. Good timing too because I just made some chicken soup. Just give me like ten, fifteen minutes to get it all together." she smiled already getting to work. After thanking her, I made my way to the living room to see Jay and Levi watching some TV. They turned when I walked in and muted the TV. Taking a seat at the end of the couch with my back against the armrest, I pulled my legs up to my chest.

"Thorn must be awake if you're here right now." Jay stated.

Nodding I said, "Ya, he woke up like half an hour ago. I'm having some food be put together so I can bring it down to him." I blushed a bit thinking back to when Thorn woke up and what we were doing. He's my first kiss and kissing is way better than I thought it would be.

"You're blushing. What happened?" Levi questioned making me blush even more.

"Well, we may have kissed." I told them honestly.

My smile immediately vanished when they shot up and looked angry. "What?" They yelled in unison. They were about to go off on a rant when our cook interrupted.

"I'm sorry for interrupting but miss Lily your food is ready." she said giving a small bow of respect towards us. Nodding, I get up, ignoring my brothers and go into the kitchen. "I made you a bowl as well. Can't have you going hungry. I asked one of the maids to help bring them down."

"Thank you so much for doing this." I told her. I gave her a small smile because that's all I can muster. My mind still one Jay and Levi's reactions. I know their protective, all my siblings are and my dad but I feel like if I'm happy then they should be too.

Taking one of the trays as a maid gets the other we make our way to Thorn's hospital room.

Victor's P.O.V

I just finished a meeting with some of my men about the shooting at the restaurant a few days ago. Any of the enemy still alive that we don't have alread from the shooting has been caught and are being...interrogated to put it nicely. Just the thought of the shooting angers me. Throwing the glass I have at the wall across from me, I watch it shatter. My family, my fucking family was there and could have gotten hurt.

Taking deep breaths, I calm myself down when Jay and Levi walked in clearly angry at something but stop when they notice the shattered glass. "Are you okay dad?" Levi asks cautiously.

"Yes Levi, I'm fine. What's wrong?" I ask.

"It seems Thorn and Lily have grown close, really close." Jay said, their anger, which I now know is protectiveness, coming back.

Sighing, I told them, "I noticed how scared she was about him in the car on our way home from the shooting." I can't lie and say I didn't see this coming. I knew she was bound to find some guys attractive and at some point get a boyfriend but that means my little girl is growing up and I don't want to lose my baby girl.

"You don't get it dad, she just told us they kissed. When Thorn woke up, they kissed." Jay said his voice rising.

"Look, boys, your sister was bound to kiss someone, just like she's bound to get a boyfriend, which just very well may be Thorn. At least with Thorn, we know he can protect her." I told them sitting down in my chair. They walked closer until they were in front of my desk.

"How are you not upset about this?" Levi stresses.

"I don't like the fact that my little girl could possibly be getting her first boyfriend. I don't like the fact that she's growing up so fast but I can't keep her hidden forever and if Thorn makes her happy then I'm happy. We can call him in once he's better to ask him about his intentions and all that to make sure he doesn't have any ulterior motives. Now, judging by how angry you guys were and still are when you came in, you got angry at Lily. You guys will go to her and apologize." I instructed. They grunted but none the less agreed and walked out.

Lily's P.O.V

Thorn had just fallen back asleep just after finishing his food. His dad had come back while I was getting the food and you could see, plain as day, how relieved he was seeing his son awake. You could see how much he loves his son. The twins had also come by and apologized for their outburst earlier. I'm not upset at them anymore and I forgave them even though I had a suspicion dad was the reason they had apologized.

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