10 Year Old Lily: Part 1

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**She skipped two grades, so now she's in 7th grade**

Warning: Cursing, bullying

Lily's P.O.V

Tears streaming down my face, my heart pumping, lungs trying to fill with air as I run down one of the many halls in my middle school. Running away from the girls trying and succeeding in physically and mentally hurting me. Turning a corner, I quickly open the janitor's closet, dart inside and lock it behind me. Sitting down on the ground, my back against the wall across from the door, I try to calm my beating heart.

Pulling my phone from my backpack, I open up my contacts. I click on my dad's contact and put my phone against my ear. It rang for a couple of seconds before I hear his voice. "Lily? What's wrong? Why are you calling me in the middle of school?" his worried voice rings in my ear.

A sob escapes my lips as I say, "Daddy?" More sobs come out and for a second I couldn't speak. My dad's yelling on the other end is hard to hear even though my phone is pressed to my ear. When I finally calm down enough I am able to speak. "Daddy, come get me please."

"I'm on my way. I'll be there as fast as I can." and with that he hung up.

I sat there, with my arms wrapped around my legs crying and waiting for my dad to come here. I don't know how long I sat there for until I heard banging on the door. At first I thought it was them but then I heard her voice. "Open the fucking door you little shit." The tears started coming faster and I attempted to move further back and as far away of the door as possible.

She kept on cursing at me until another voice yelled, "Hey". It was silent for a second before I heard daddy's voice. "Princess, it's dad and Sylas. Open up." On shaky legs, I quickly get up, open the door and jump into my dad's arms. "It's going to be alright, daddy's here, you're safe." I didn't care that I was in pain as I hugged my dad.

"Please don't make me stay, please. I hate it here." I cried into his shoulder. I can't take staying at this school anymore.

About a minute later dad pulled back a bit. "Princess, I need you to go with your brother to the nurse so she can take a look at you while I go talk to your principal." Before I could protest, he already passed me over to Sylas and started walking away.

"C'mon, let's get you checked out." Sylas said making me look at him. Nodding, we made our way to the nurse.


"Alright sweetie, you're as patched up as I can get you." Nurse Brenda said giving me a sad smile. She turned to Sylas and said, "I'd still have a doctor look at her. I'm pretty sure she has at least one sprained rib by the way she's breathing but since I am just a school nurse I am not allowed to deal with it. This will have to be dealt with at a hospital." Sylas nodded at her, his face still angry over the situation.

Sylas helped me off of the bed I've been sitting on while Nurse Brenda patched me up when dad walked in. He walked straight to me and pulled me into him causing me to groan in pain a little bit. He let go instantly and looked down at me with concern. "The nurse said she could have, at the very least, a sprained rib. Being a school nurse she's not allowed to handle these kinds of things and said it's best to take her to the hospital." Sylas said beating me to it.

"Alright, let's go. I already got all your stuff from your locker and put it in the car." dad said carefully pulling me towards the door. The rest of the walk to the car and most of the car ride was quiet. We stopped by at the hospital to indeed find out I have a sprained rib.

When we got home, Alec popped out of nowhere bombarding us with questions. "Alec enough with the questions. Your sister has had a long and tiring day." dad said cutting him off. Dad looked down at me and continued, "Why don't you go up to your room?" Nodding, I make my way up the stairs and to my room. I could hear Alec yelling all the way up to my room, even a little bit with my door closed.

Getting into bed, I pull my covers up until the only part of me showing is my head. Just as I'm about to fall asleep, there's a knock on my door. Dad pops his head in and when he sees I'm awake, he walks in. He walks over and lies down next to me. Scooting closer to him, I start cuddling into his side. "Please don't make me go back there, please. I hate it there." I mumbled trying to stop the tears from falling.

"I know baby." dad said kissing the top of my head. "That is why, starting tomorrow, you will start being homeschooled."

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