6 Month Old Lily: Part 2

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( Living Room )

Third Person P.O.V

John, despite his old age, played with Lily and her many toys as if he was in his twenties. John loves taking care of his boss' children. Even though they can be tiring at times, especially with his old age, he wouldn't trade his job for anything. The Black family was like his own family and the feeling was mutual for the Black family. Victor often felt like John was another father and the children often thought of John as their grandfather. 

As John watched Lily play in her walker, one of the maids comes into the living room. "It is Mr. Black." she states handing John the phone. "Thank you Martha." John replied with a smile. John brings the phone up to his ear. "Hello Mr. Black." John greeted. 

"Hello John. I'm just checking in on Lily. How's she doing? She's not giving you much trouble is she?" Victor asked chuckling slightly at the end at the idea of Lily causing trouble because anyone who's been around Lily knows she's the sweetest most innocent baby of all times. "She is no trouble at all sir." John chuckled as well then continued, "We were just about to head into the kitchen for some lunch."

"Good, good." Victor said and continued, "I have to go now, I have to go into a meeting." They said their goodbyes and hung up. John placed the phone on the coffee table and picked up Lily, bringing her into the dining room. Setting her in her high chair, John made his way into the kitchen and grabbed a jar of baby food and a spoon. He headed back into the dining room and sat down in front of Lily, opening the jar and started feeding her.

This is pretty much things go for the 6 month old. Her brothers off at school five days out of the week and her father off at work, leaving John to take care of her until they come back. 

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