Circus act💁🏻

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A/N Ok guys so this book has been hella jumpy and I'm sorry for that. I'll try and keep it going as smooth as possible.

My days are numbered. For school that is. In One week I will have graduated and will be on my way to whatever the fuck it is I'm going to be doing. Micheal comes to hang out with me almost everyday and I feel great. My dad is history to me and even if I see him again I won't even give him a second thought.

I went back and bought that dress and a pair of white stilettos. I've started running every morning and I'm thinking of adopting a cat.

Micheal loves the idea and so do I. But every time I look at cats I end up in the dog section. Calum loves dogs. The sparkle he gets in his eye when he starts talking about dogs is so beautiful and he just makes me laugh so much. He gets so happy.

Setting my curling iron down I look for my phone that just sounded. Of course I lost it in my blankets. I see the message on my screen and sigh. Speak of the devil.


Hey beautiful. I know we haven't talked in awhile and I was wondering if you would like to meet before the graduation ceremony this Wednesday. Of course you don't have to but I would love to see you.

Yeah we can talk. I'll be there. Your office?

Cal: great. Yeah that works. See you soon beautiful.


I said yes only because I'm in need of closure. I need to move on. I'm bound and determined to move on with my life. I've applied to over 20 colleges even a couple out of states. I haven't heard anything back yet but that's ok, right?

Throwing my phone on my bed again I finish my hair and throw an old camp baseball hat on. Heading to the car I jump in and head over to work.

Marissa is sick today so I won't have anyone to talk to really unless Micheal shows up and that is a low probability today since it's Tuesday and he's usually busy in Tuesday's and I don't even know what he usually does.

Walking into hot topic I get back to the break room and chuck my purse in my locker we recently got and grab my old name tag. I decorated it with cat stickers!  For the next few hours I fix the shelves and clear space for more merchandise. My job is simple.

I get off at 6 which is in ten minutes and I'm just going to head straight home. I'm so tired and I have no idea how I'm paying rent this month. I have enough for the rent itself but I might have to starve till next pay day for me to survive.

I've applied for some extra part time jobs for like nannies and stuff but haven't heard anything back. But I should check my email when I get home. Plus I put in a few applications for single lofts and apartments since rent is too much for me by myself. Our house is huge and so rent is ten time more than it really needs to be since it's just me and my credit is amazing right now since I've been paying rent on time and paying all my bills. 

I found this one apartment downtown, it's not too far from Calum's actually which doesn't bother me at all since obviously , well since, shit I don't know. It might bother me but rent isn't too bad and it's close to the mall and downtown so finding another job won't be too bad.

Looking at the clock I smile and head to the back.

"Hey Cassy I'm out of here ok. I'll see you tomorrow after school" she waves me away and I roll my eyes. She's always been a bitch honestly and I don't like her too much. It's dark now and I'm tired. I just want to cuddle into my bad and watch Andrew Garfield ride a tricycle on the Jimmy Fallon show.

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