Chapter 2

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|Nine months later|

"It's a boy and a girl!" I heard the nurse say. I gave birth to twins! The nurse wrapped them both and gave them to me. The girl had pink hair like Natsu and the boy had blond hair like mine.

"Nashi and Luke" I said as I looked at the two bundles in my arms. I saw the nurse writing their names on their birth certificates. The nurse smiled at me before leaving us alone in the room.

|Time skip: Lucy's house|

I put Nashi and Luke in their crib and sat down at my desk. I wanted to write to Levy and the others.

I wrote a letter to Levy asking if she and the others wanted to come and visit the twins.

I sealed the letter and put it in my mailbox. We were living in a small home in Hargeon.

Now all we have to do now is wait.

|The next day| (Levy's POV)

I walked out of my room in Fairy hills and walked to my mailbox.

Let's see...... yeah! I got a letter. I walked back to my room and opened the letter.

Dear Levy,

I've been doing great these past months and guess what? I gave birth to twins last week! A boy and a girl. I missed you and the others so much, so I want to ask you if you and the others want to come to my place to meet the twins and catch up on things. We are living in Hargeon right now near the coast. I hope you can come soon.

Your best friend,

It's Lu-chan! I have to go to the guild right away! I took the letter with me and ran to the guild.


When I got to the guild, I immediately went to master's office.

"Levy, what are you doing here?"

I showed him the letter and he immediately started tearing up. "I'm a great grandpa to another set of kids!"

"Master, could we go visit Lu-chan?"

"Of course, let me call the others"
Master said before going outside.

"Wendy, and Romeo to my office" I heard master say.

The two came into the office. "Yes master?" Wendy asks.

I waved the letter in front of them. "Lu-chan wrote and said that she had twins!" Wendy couldn't stop smiling ams thinking of how cute the babies are going to be and Romeo just looked at his crush thoughtfully.

"And Lu-chan wants us to come to Hargeon to meet the kids."

"Master can we please go?" Wendy asked with her puppy dog eyes.

"Of course you can go, I'll just say that all of you are on a special mission if anyone asks" master said.

"Thank you master" we all said.

We exited the office and all of us went out of the guild. Gajeel wasn't going to come back until next week, so I can't bring him with me.

I wrote a letter back to Lu-chan telling her that we were coming in a few days.

Hehe, I can't wait to see the babies!

|Two days later|

♦~Lucy's pov ~♦

*knock knock*

I walked to the door and opened it to reveal Levy, Wendy, and Romeo.

"Lu-chan!" Levy yelled as she enveloped me in a bone crushing hug.

Nashi And Luke's Journey [Fairy Tail] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now