Chapter 19

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It was now the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games. We were currently waiting for who goes first in the 1v1 fights.


Everyone was hyped up by now. I could even see Weiss being held back from destroying something in their balcony.


My mouth was agape. Angel quickly became a good friend of mine in the short time that I've known her. But, it's just a game so, we really won't hold grudges against each other.


"Go Nashi-chan!"

"Good luck Nash!"

"I'll make you a vanilla milkshake if you win!" (You probably know who said that XD *cough* Nova *cough*)

That last one really got me hyped now. Nova makes shakes as good as her mom.

I walked out onto the arena and shook hands with Angel. "No hard feelings right?" I asked. "Of course! We're still on for the ice cream party after the games right?" I nodded.


We both got in a fighting stance.

*ding* *ding* *ding*

Angel took the first move. "Open! Gate of the two fish: Pisces!" Two fish came out of the golden dust.

They started charging at me and I dodged their attacks. "Fire dragon's roar!"

Fire erupted from my mouth and hit Pisces.

"Fire dragon's crushing fang!" I yelled. My fire hit Pisces and sent him back into the spirit world.

"Open! Gate of the balance: Libra!" Libra came out of the golden dust.

Libra forced me down to the ground so I was laying on it. It felt like uncle Droy was sitting on me!

Mustering all the strength I had, I slowly lifted myself off of the ground. "Fire dragons iron fist!"

We continued fighting until the bell rang.

*ding* *ding* *ding*


We looked up at the board to see five points added to each of our total score.

Angel walked up to me and put her hand out. I took it and she helped me up.

"Good game Angel." I said. "You too Nashi."


I plopped onto my seat, exhausted. Suddenly, a sweet aroma filled my nostrils. I turned my head to see Nova holding a vanilla milkshake. "For your good job today." She said as she handed me the milkshake. "How did you-" I started but was cut off. "I have my ways." She smirked. I happily thanked Nova and took the milkshake.

I sighed happily. I wonder who's next in the battle?


|3rd person POV|

Lucy woke up in a dark room. "Where am I?" She asked herself. "My my dearie, don't tell me you've forgotten already?" A familiar voice asked.

Memories suddenly flashed in her mind and she grit her teeth. Lucy can feel herself strapped to something. "What am I attached to?!" She asked. "The very device that will also take your daughter's life dearie." Familiar red eyes looking up at her.

"Don't you dare touch her!" Lucy yelled. The purple haired guild master just looked at the blonde mage, then smirked. "Suimin." (Sleep) Then Lucy fell unconscious. The guild master sighed and mumbled, "I always have to use that spell."

Katsume (Guild master's name) walked to her lacrima and watched Weiss Eucliffe fight Mermaid Heel's Mika Webb. She turned the image to look at Nashi, Jeremy, and Luke sitting together. She laughed silently. 'Well, well, well. Let's see how you'll react to tomorrow.' She thought.

Katsume had a smile of mischief on her face when Alec walked into the room. "The plans all set master." He spoke. Katsume looked at Alec and said, "Good, we shall commence tomorrow morning." Alec nodded and walked away.

Katsume looked at Lucy. 'I'm sorry. But, I have to do this.' She thought. She shook her head, displeased with her thoughts. She can't feel sympathy for them.

The sun was at the top of the sky, indicating that it was noon. And you know what noon time is, right?

"FOOD!" Luke and Reiki shouted as their food was placed in front of them. The rest of the group sweatdropped and ate their food.

"Hey Nashi, Luke. Why don't you tell something about yourselves. We actually haven't had the chance to know each other since the games came up." Storm said.

"Well, what do you wanna know?" Nashi asked. "Hmm, what's your favorite color?" Nova asked. "Blue." Nashi answered. "Black." Luke answered.

"What's your favorite food?" Rose asked. "Anything/spicy." They answered at the same time."Hobbies?" Sylvia asked.

"Reading and writing." Nashi answered. "Eating and fighting." Luke answered which made everyone sweatdrop. 'Of course.' Everyone thought.

"Well, what about your parents?" Storm asked. Nashi and Luke hesitated for a moment before Nashi spoke. "Our mom disappeared before we came here and we've never met our dad." Discomfort clear in their eyes.

"Oh! Sorry! If it's personal you don't have to-" Storm started but was cut off by Luke. "It's alright Storm."

"Hey Jeremy, you okay? You've been spacing out a lot." Nashi said, slightly worried. "Huh? Oh, sorry." Jeremy apologized with a hint of pink dusted on his cheeks. Nova and Rose both smirked at Jeremy together. 'I wonder what was he thinking about?' They thought.

After their lunch, they walked around, exploring Crocus, seeing that Luke 'accidentally' set fire to the arena and they had to use the magic power counter to address points.

"This place is huge! Look at all the stalls." Nashi said. One stall caught her eye and she walked to it. Inside sat an elderly woman. "What are these?" Nashi asked. The old woman answered. "These are very special Star bracelets. If you are connected to the stars somehow you are granted good fortunes as long as they wear it."

'I know the perfect person to give this to.' Nashi thought. She bought a bracelet and raced back to the group.

"Hey Nash, what took you so long?" Luke asked. "I just had to get something." She replied.

"Jeremy, I need to talk to you for a sec." Nashi said."Uh, sure." Jeremy replied looking confused. Nashi and Jeremy walked away and Nova and Rose started smirking again.

"What is it with you two? You're creeping us out!" Reiki exclaimed.


"Soooo, what did you want to talk to me about?" Jeremy asked. Nashi held out the bracelet and slipped it on his wrist.

"W-what's this?" Jeremy asked, turning pink. "I bought this earlier. The old woman said that a person connected to the stars that wear this will receive good fortune." Nashi explained.

"Oh, thank you Nashi!" Jeremy exclaimed. Nashi giggled. "No problem!"

"Well, let's go back to the group?" Jeremy asked. "Yup, let's go!" Nashi took Jeremy's hand and went back to the group, unaware that they were being watched from afar.


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