Chapter 14

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When I woke up, I found myself in the tent. What… happened last night? Suddenly, memories of last night filled my brain.

My cheeks slightly turned red when I remembered I fell asleep on Jeremy.

I heard the tent zipper being dragged down and I saw Jeremy on the other side. "Morning Nashi!" I smiled at him. "Morning Jeremy!" I could've swore I saw his cheeks turn slightly red but when I blinked, his cheeks turned to their normal color. Must be imagining things.

"I made breakfast, and when we're finished, we have lots to talk about." He said. I nodded and followed him out of the tent.

There was a little campfire and a stove with eggs and bacon on it, sizzling. My mouth is already watering from smelling it.

He handed me a plate with eggs and bacon on it and I start munching on the bacon.

"So, you said that your real magic is celestial magic, right?" I nod. "Remember the technique? We can for sure do a unison raid cause we have the same magic element." He said.

"I'm not really comfortable showing my real magic. Everyone will get suspicious including my father." I reasoned out. "Okay, if we really and I mean absolutely need to use the unison raid and your magic, will you do it?"

"Yeah, I mean, if we're in real danger, I won't hesitate to use it to protect us and everyone at the guild." I said confidently.

"Alright, after breakfast we'll warm up and start training."

Shortly after breakfast, I was panting hard. We're doing laps around the forest and this is our, hmm, let me think- twentieth time!

"Jeremy, *huff* can *pant* we take…… a break?!"

"Alright, warmup over." I signed in relief and collapsed onto the grass.

"Now, the real workout begins!" He exclaimed. "Gah!" I groaned in pain.

"Off your butt Nashi! It's time to practice our magic."

I lazily stood up, "I feel like I'm gonna be sore for a while." I whined.

"I'm getting sore too, but we need to train!" Jeremy exclaimed.

We then trained the whole day and we practiced our magic abilities. I kept practicing my dragon slaying magic and trained with Uncle Loke and Aunt Virgo.

" *yawn* I'm gonna turn in, night Jeremy." I said while going in the tent.

I slipped into my sleeping bag and fell asleep.

|Dream (more like communication dream)|

Everything was dark. I didn't feel like a was standing on something so I figured I was floating.

"Nashi?" I looked behind me in shock. "Mom!" I ran, (more like floated) at her and hugged her. "Is this a dream?" I asked.

"Yes, this is a little something that Virgo taught me but I can't really stay long. After this, I'm gonna try to do the same thing with Luke." She explained.

"You have my keys, right?" I nodded my head. "I even found Aquarius after all these years!" I said. She widened her eyes then smiled "Is she still the same?" I nodded and she chuckled.

"We're trying to find you, me, Luke, Aunt Levy, Emily, Jeremy, Aunt Mavis and Uncle Zeref too!"


"Mom?" I asked.

"I don't have much time left but I overheard that Nightingale Wing will be at the Grand Magic Games so be careful, please." She said.

"How did you know?" I asked.

"Loke came to me in my cell, he said that you and Luke are participating in the games." She said. (Loke and the others can go to any of the two on their own magic cause of the joint contact thing.)

"I have to go now, be safe honey." She kissed my forehead. "We'll find you, I promise!"

|End of dream|

I woke up with a start. Mom.

I sat up and Jeremy was still sleeping. I grabbed new clothes and tiptoed out the tent. I headed to the waterfall close to us.

I took off my clothes and went in the water. It was a little cold but I didn't mind.

I took my shampoo and started rubbing it in my hair. It smelled like caramel and vanilla.

I went to the waterfall and carefully put my head underneath it, washing my head from all the shampoo.

I swam back into the water and grabbed my soap sitting on a rock. I rubbed the soap all over my body when all of a sudden- "AH!" I turned around to face a red faced Jeremy.

I shrieked and took out Aquarius's key on instinct and summoned her.

"YOU PERVERT!" She yelled and used her vase to throw water at him.

"Aghhh!" He yelled as he was getting washed away.

Aquarius went back to the spirit world and I finished my bath and put on my clothes and went back to camp where I saw Jeremy with swirls where his eyes should be.

"I'm sorry Nashi." He said. I sat next to him, trying to avoid the puddle he's in. "It's okay, it was an accident."

He shakily got up and walked to the waterfall. "I'm gonna go take my bath so you go do whatever." He said while still wobbling.

You'd think he wouldn't need a bath after I summoned Aquarius.

I continued to train my dragon slaying magic and trained with uncle Capricorn this time.

Nashi And Luke's Journey [Fairy Tail] [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now