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Lmao did you think I'd leave Jeremy x Nashi shippers hanging?

This takes place two years after the book ended!


"Soooooo," Jeremy drawled out, sitting awkwardly next to the pink haired girl.

"Soooooo," she mimicked, just about as awkward. Twiddling with her fingers anxiously, she looked around the place they were seated in.

It was about as fancy as a restaurant could be in Magnolia. A mix of Stone and wooden interior with fancy golden lights floating in the air. The two was dressed in their best clothes.

Jeremy and Nashi were on a date, to put bluntly. The Fullbuster twins and Emily being the main reason they were on a date.

Jeremy could only shudder as he remembered how the three threatened him to ask Nashi on a date by eating a multitude of strawberry cake in front of him while he was tied down to a chair.

He had a crush on the girl yes, a little bit more than 'like' if you'd ask him.

"Are you okay Nashi? We could leave if you're not feeling comfortable." He said truthfully. He wanted the girl to be as comfortable as possible.

"No! No, I'm okay Jeremy, trust me. It's just, are you sure you like me?" She asked nervously, twiddling with her fingers endlessly, her cheeks ablaze.

Jeremy blushed as well, how could he not? Nashi was as beautiful as ever. With her bubblegum pink hair and chocolate brown eyes that shone with pure determination and perseverance.

Her intelligence, oh what a brilliant mind she had. Not to mention they shared a liking to strawberry cake -Jeremy more than normal- and that was everything the young man could ask for.

The azure blue haired boy chewed on his lip in nervousness. He could easily stand up and fight for his guild without a second thought but his stomach filled with butterflies and his heart turned to mush every time he laid eyes on the celestial wizard.

"Of course I like you! What's there not to like?" He replied smoothly, even though he felt like throwing up after saying it in wary, reaching over the table to curl his fingers around the part of hair Nashi left out of her bunned up hair.

She felt her heart beat rise and her hands become clammy at the gesture, twiddling with her fingers more, she resisted the urge to scream out in pure euphoria.

Right of this moment, the boy she was practically in love with was on a date with her. A date. Great celestial gods did she feel the urge to just run out there and fangirl about this like a giddy schoolgirl.

"I'm my father's daughter. I'm sure that's enough to repel anyone away." She replied, looking dead in his eye. Jeremy snorted. "You're not that bad Nash."

"I broke a table yesterday Jeremy. With my hand." Nashi cringed at the memory of yesterday. Sure, she mostly gets her reserve from her mother but she has her father's burning passion for breaking things when she gets ticked off.

And yesterday Luke just had to drop Nashi's favorite hair tie in the deep fryer so she couldn't exactly help it.

"So? Storm froze Zeref to the ceiling. What could get worse than that?" Jeremy shrugged, raising a brow as he did so. Nashi laughed out loud at the memory. It took them ages to thaw him out.

And when they did, Zeref fell onto Mavis, making the guild all turn into one big dog pile.

Jeremy laughed too, only because Nashi's laugh was contagious and hearing it made Jeremy's stomach feel like it was going to burst with butterflies.

Wow, was he whipped for her.

"But still Jeremy, why do you like me? I'm nothing special." She asked, looking down at her interlocked fingers.

Jeremy felt offended. How could he not? Nashi feeling like she wasn't special? She could easily be his world if he wanted too.

And boy, did he want too.

"You are the most beautiful, intelligent, kindest girl I could've ever met. You're practically my whole world at this point." He stated, making Nashi feel like a volcano erupted on her face.

"Jeremy." She whined, covering her beet red face with her hands. He reached over and took her hands in his, gently prying it away from her face.

"Nashi, I feel so many things for you. Everytime I'm with you I feel a herd of butterflies in my stomach and whenever you're gone, it feels like someone stole all my strawberry cake." He confessed.

"I feel the same things for you too Jeremy, the way you always look out for me and cheer me up when even Emily couldn't. That's what I liked most about you. You always make me feel like I'm worth something." Nashi confessed with newfound confidence.

"Nashi, I feel like I'm in love with you." Jeremy whispered. "I'm honestly scared, but I want to know if you'd feel the same as me too." He leaned in closer

Nashi felt like she was on cloud nine. Was this real? she questioned.

"I love you too Jeremy." She whispered back, leaning in as well.

Relief flooded Jeremy from head to toe. Grinning massively, he leaned in all the way and placed his lips on hers.

Nashi squeaked in surprise but leaned in the kiss.

Both of their faces were red as they pulled away, sheepishly smiling at each other, Nashi giggled at the thought that her first kiss was with Jeremy.

Jeremy basically had heart eyes as he gazed at his date giggling across from him.

"Wait, Nashi," he started, making Nashi stop giggling. "What are we? Are we like, you know, boyfriend and girlfriend?"

Nashi blinked. "Isn't it obvious? Of course! If you want to of course." She rapidly added on the last part.

Jeremy grinned. "Well then, girlfriend. Would you like to go back to the guild?" He asked in a posh voice

Nashi grinned back, "Why of course boyfriend. I think that would be a wonderful idea." She replied in a voice just as posh.

And so they paid for dinner and left, hanging around outside near the river, Nashi pointed at the twilight sky where the stars were out.

Jeremy sneaked a kiss in and Nashi blushed, smiling into the kiss as she pulled him closer.

Suddenly, they heard a click.

The two pulled away abruptly to see the Fullbuster twins and Emily grinning viciously as she held a camera.

"Wait til Mira and Nova see this!" She yelled as the three ran off to the direction of the guild.

Nashi sighed as she leaned her head to Jeremy's chest, the two swaying as they hugged.

"I'm so gonna teach them a lesson tomorrow." Jeremy spoke, his intimidation aura seeping through.

"It's just a picture Jeremy." Nashi reasoned out.

"No, it's for the strawberry cake they ate in front of me."


Hi! It's been over a year since I've published this story so this is a super late anniversary chapter!

So, I felt like writing this special chapter because this is the story that really kept me going. My interests have changed in the past months and I concluded that I'm just not that into anime anymore :/

But jeez Louise it's crazy how much support you guys gave this book!


This marks the final chapter in Nashi and Luke's Journey.

Thank you, and goodnight. (No joke it's almost 2am and I've written all of this within the hour.)

- <3

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