Chapter 9

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We opened the guild doors and are met with-


“Ow” I muttered. What the?! Who the hell threw a table at us!?

I was still in my half dead state when I noticed that the guild was silent. 'Oh god. I swear if I'm deaf I'm gonna-' my thoughts were interrupted when Luke pulled me up.

Aunt Mavis and Uncle Zeref were looking at me with shock and concern. Then I heard a voice yell.

*Bang* “OW!” I looked to see that the whole guild was looking at us.

Suddenly a boy who looked about our age walked up to us. He had azure blue hair and a red mark under his right eye. “I'm terribly sorry. Please excuse Storm.” the guy said while pointing to a raven haired boy.

Aunt Mavis suddenly spoke up. “We actually need to see Laxus right now, so could we please clear this up later?” she asked.

The guy nodded in understanding. “Of course, we'll talk later first master. After all, I still need to teach Storm a lesson” he said while he had a deadly aura surrounding him.

Me and Luke went stiff and shivered in fear. Even Uncle Zeref had sweat dripping down his face in fear.

Aunt Mavis however, wasn't fazed at all. Instead, she smiled sweetly at the guy. “We'll talk to you later Jeremy”

'Jeremy' nodded and walked to the raven haired boy who I guessed was Storm and gave him a death glare that had 'Storm' fainting at the sight.

Aunt Mavis quickly ushered is both into the master's office before anyone had a chance to talking to us.

She shut the door and the master was looking up at us from a mountain of paperwork. “Who the hell are these two?” he gestured to me and Luke. I quickly remembered something and I took out the letter mom asked us to give to the guild master.

I gave him the letter and he quickly read it. “I see. Well, you're secrets safe with me.” he stood up and walked to the door. “By the way, what last name are you two going by?” me and Luke looked at each other. “How about Yoshida?” Luke asked.

“Kate's last name?” I asked. He nodded. “She's like a second mother to us anyway, so I don't see the problem” he shrugged. I turned to Master. “We'll go by Yoshida” he opened the door. “Well, come on, let's announce you to the guild”

He walked to the balcony with all of us following him. “LISTEN UP!” the whole gold fell silent and looked up at us. “We have two new members joining us today. Please welcome Luke and Nashi Yoshida!” he yelled.

The guild went silent for a second before cheers erupted in the guild. We walked downstairs where a white haired woman came to us holding a stamp. “I'm Mirajane, but you can call me Mira. I'm Laxus's wife. What color and where do you want your guild marks?”

“Um, gold and on my left hand please.” I asked. “Red on my upper right arm” Luke said.  She nodded And placed the stamp on my left hand. She took it away and I saw a golden Fairy Tail mark. She did the same to Luke and went back to the bar.

“LET'S PARTY!” someone shouted. All of a sudden the guild was partying. “Nashi, was it?” someone asked behind me. I turned around and saw Jeremy again. He took out his hand, “Jeremy Fernandez I shook his hand. “Nice to meet you” I said.

“I'll introduce you and your brother to our friends” he said. “Okay” I replied. I took Luke's hand and dragged him with me while following Jeremy.

He stopped at a table near the wall of the guild. There were five people around our age sitting at the table. “Hi, I'm Emily Redfox” she said. She had long, spiky black hair and amber eyes. I noticed that she had a pile of book in front of her. “I'm Storm Fullbuster. And this is my twin sister Sylvia.” hey, this is the guy who threw a table at me! He had raven hair and his sister had dark blue hair. He rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh, sorry. For throwing a table at you.” he said sheepishly. “It's okay” I said.

“I'm Sofia Conbolt” she looked about 14 and had dark blue hair and brown eyes. “And I'm Nova Dreyer” she had light blonde, almost white hair and blue eyes. “Nice to meet all of you” Luke said. I nodded. I sat beside Emily, “What book are you reading?” I asked.

(Just said a random book. I don't read any REAL books)

I gasped. “I LOVE that book!” I said. Her eyes widened, “You've read this book too?! Oh my gosh I officially love you!” she yelled.

We continued talking about our favorite books and getting to know each other while Luke was talking with Storm and Jeremy.

“So Emily, where's your parents? I'd like to meet them.”

“Oh, right. My parents aren't here right now. They went on a mission with Jeremy, Storm and Sylvia's, and Sofia's parents, and Uncle Natsu and Happy. They should be back soon though.”

Okay, good. Dad's not here right now.

“They all went on a mission together?” I asked. She nodded. “They like to do some bonding missions sometimes. They claim that they want to spend time with each other like 'old times'” she put air quotations on 'old times'

Suddenly, the guild doors opened up. “YO GUYS! WE'RE BACK!” someone yelled. “Speak of the devil.” Emily muttered.

I turned around and saw the group's parents. I could tell who's parents were who though.

And in the middle, was our father. I looked at Luke who was also looking at our father.

“Oh goodness!” someone yelled. I turned around and saw a woman in her early thirties with dark blue has hair and brown eyes. The guild heard the yell and were focusing on us. Well, the part of the guild that wasn't drunk.

“You must be new here! Welcome to the gui-. Wait. You have a red mark on your cheek. I can tell that's an injury” she said. “What, this? Oh no, it's okay. Something just Hehe, happened earlier.” I said gesturing to my cheek. I didn't even know that the table left a scratch.

“And exactly what happened earlier that for you hurt?” she rose an eyebrow.

From my peripheral vision, I saw that Storm was sweating like crazy. “HE DID IT!” I looked and saw Luke pointing at Storm.


“IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!” Me and Storm yelled at the same time. “Um, excuse me?” the lady asked. “Oh! Sorry. Yes?” I asked.

“I healed your cheek while you were arguing with your brother” she pointed to my cheek. I touched it and it wasn't hurting.

“Thank you. Miss, uh-” “Wendy, Wendy Conbolt. I'm Sofia's mother.” I looked over to Sofia to find her gone. I looked around the guild to see her at the bar drinking a milkshake.

“I'm Nashi. Nashi Yoshida. And the idiot is my brother Luke.” I said looking to see Luke still arguing with Storm. I sweatdropped.

“Nashi-Chan! What is your and Luke's magic?” Emily asked. Getting the guild's attention. “That's right! We didn't even ask them what's their magic. BE A MAN AND TELL US YOUR MAGIC!” someone yelled.


“OW! Why mom!?” “Stop acting like your father Evan!”

Suddenly, Luke was sitting right next to me. “Well, me and Nashi are.” everyone was looking at us.

“Fire dragon slayers”



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