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Trigger Warning

Laney had invited me to sit with her and Louise, and the rest of their friends, at lunch. She had said that everyone would surely take a liking to me, as did her and Louise.

I was quite surprised at this, not many people actually wanted to be my friend, or rather, talk to me.

But it seemed that I had Laney in my third hour class, which was nice. She was currently talking about the people that I should look out for, because this still was a public school, and it wasn't all sunshines and rainbows all the time.

"I mean, they aren't too bad, just really annoying. They matched each other when they were thirteen, and don't let people forget that." She rolled her eyes, tapping her pencil on the desk.

"You said their names were Finn and Jillian?" I asked, writing my name in the new sheet of paper I front of me. Laney had her back against the side wall, so she could face me as we spoke.

"Yeah. I suggest staying away from them." She laughed, pushing up her glasses. "Have you been matched yet?"

I scrunched my face up, and looked away.

"No. Don't really think my soulmate finds me very appealing." I answered, opening my book the the page written on the board.

"What makes you think that?"

I lifted up my sleeve, showing my wrist to Laney, who took it in her hand. She was examining it like it was a fossil.

"I mean, it's not as bad as my friend Cole's." Laney shrugged, bringing my sleeve back down, by then crooked her head to the side, noticing something. "Why are your arms so thin? It felt like I was holding just a bone." She looked up to my eyes, placing her hand on my arm. I couldn't pull away from her now.

I panicked. What was I supposed to say?

"Dunno. I've always been really thin. Genetics I guess." I answered nonchalantly, going back to the assignment, hoping I had convinced her.

She didn't seem too persuaded by my answer, but it was good enough for me.

"What does your friends wrist say?" I asked, changing the subject back, snapping her out of her thoughts.

"It says, 'fuck you, asshole' written around his wrist. I mean, it's not as bad as some others, but you don't have it the worst." She smiled, giggling slightly.

I continued working on the assignment, trying to focus on, but I kept getting sidetracked, and my body was distracting me. My stomach was grumbling slightly, making me cringe.

I knew I shouldn't have eaten last night. I wouldn't be feeling like this today then.

"What does your wrist say?" I blurted out, trying to distract myself from the discomfort. She held her wrist out to me, revealing the little words of, 'damn, she's beautiful.' written across the veins. She smiled at it, and I nodded my head.

"That's sweet." I grinned, looking away.

"Yeah, if only I'd find them soon." She said, a ping of sadness in her voice.

"I'm sure you will. They'll be lucky to have you." I complimented. Giving her a small smile.

"Thank you." She blushed.

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