- Oh Merlin, Please Not Again -

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We filed out of the train, a familiar voice calling in the distance. "Come on firs' years now, don' be shy!" 

I looked to the left to see Hagrid, smiling sadly at the innocent kids swarming with excitement at his knees. With his lantern swinging. 

"Come on!" Ginny shrieked, grabbing my arm and pulling me to the carriages.

I remember when Harry asked what was pulling the carriage. I had thought he'd gone mental. But now I see them too. In fact, everyone here now sees the Thestrals.

As we made our way to the castle, Harry sighed, "It feels good to be home."

I nodded, but frowned, "But it feels different now. As if they thought re-building the walls would take away all of the bad things that happened." 

Ron nodded, "That's exactly what I was thinking."

As we pulled up to the entrance hall of Hogwarts, I saw Malfoy grabbing his things from Filch. He'd matured. He looked older, and a little bit sadder. Although, with Blaise beside him, his frown could never linger long. 

"Surprised he came back this year," Harry grunted.

 I put a hand on his arm, "Maybe he's changed?" 

Beside me, Ron scoffed, "I doubt it." 

I sighed, "Come on." I said, grabbing my trunk and walking up to the entrance hall.

Inside, I smiled. It felt like home. They had repaired Hogwarts exactly as it had been before. It's as if we could pretend nothing ever happened. But I knew that that could never be possible.

I walked into the great hall and immediately sat down at the Gryffidnor table, greeting Dean, Seamus, and Neville. Ron sat down beside me and Ginny and Harry joined us.

It was extremely noisy. I mean, even more so than usual. "What's all the fuss about?" I asked Seamus.

 "The minister of Magic is supposed to come and give an announcement."

 I frown, "Kinglsey?" 

He nods," People are guessing what it is that he's going to say."

 I looked at Ron and frowned, "I hope it's some good news for a change." He nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, the doors to the Great Hall opened, and a whole bunch of first years came shuffling in, looks of amazement on their face.

 "Now, I will call your name. And you will come and I will place the sorting hat on your head. And you will be sorted into your houses," Professor McGonagall said, "Mark Greenson." 

A little boy walks up and sits on the stool.

"GRYFFINDOR!" We all cheer at the Gryffindor table as the boy sits down.

As the sorting goes on, dozens of kids are sorted into each house. At the end of the sorting ceremony, Professor McGonagall steps to the podium where Dumbledore used to stand, looking quite nervous. "I'd like to welcome you first years and all of you back to Hogwarts. As you can see, there are quite a few students this year. Due to the war, the seventh years have been asked to come back to school to finish their last year at Hogwarts. Now, all of those who are of age or older, please remain seated after the feast. An announcement will be made by the Minister of magic. Mr. Filch, our caretaker has asked me to remind you that the Forbidden forest is out of bounds. For every student." She paused, "Now, let the feast... Begin!" She raised her arms and the tables filled with food.

Ron grins, "Ah, never gets old." 

He licks his lips and digs into the platter filled with chicken legs.

I smile and shake my head at him.

- - -

After everyone was so full they could hardly walk, Professor McGonagall stood and dismissed everyone under the age of seventeen. 

After all the younger students left, she turned to us, "Well, it seems that instead of the Minister of Magic give this announcement, I should." She sighed and said, "There has been a new law passed. That every witch and wizard over the age of seventeen and under the age of twenty... will be paired with their soulmate. And... are required to create offspring in a time span of two years."

Immediately, cries of protests were heard. But some, like Ron, were sitting there, looking mental with their jaw on the floor. Professor McGonagall had quieted us down mostly, I spoke up. 

"But Professor, that's not fair!" I shouted, standing up. 

She sighed and nodded, "Please, Miss. Granger. I know it's not fair. Kingsley Shacklebolt has tried to reason with the council."

I shook my head, "Do they not understand that we've just been through war!?" I yelled. I didn't care what people thought of me. I was furious.

McGonagall shook her head in dismay, "They are well aware that you students have just been through war. I just don't think it matters to them."

 The doors to the great Hall opened and Kingsley Shaklebolt walked in, with a smile on his face. It fell as soon as he saw our faces, "You've told them?" He asked. 

She nodded, "I had to. It seemed right for me to tell them." 

He nodded, "I understand."

Seamus stood up, "You might understand. But we don't!" 

"I'm sorry, but this is out of my hands," He sighed, "In fact, the law goes into effect immediately." 

Harry stood up, "You don't mean-" 

He nodded gravely, "Yes, Mr. Potter. You will be matched with your soulmate tonight."

Blaise Zabini stood up, "And how exactly is that supposed to work? You can't exactly make someone find their soulmate." 

Kingsley nodded, stepping onto the podium and pulling out his wand, "I am well aware of that, Mr. Zabini." 

He tapped the podium and it turned into a large trophy looking thing. Almost like the goblet of fire.

 Harry groaned, "Oh Merlin, please not again."

"Each of you will step up and touch the bowl. After you have touched the bowl, a piece of parchment will come out of the bowl and your soulmate's name will be on the piece of paper." Kingsley said.

 It was silent.

 Until Lavender Brown yelled out, "And what if the match making thing messes up?" 

Kingsley shook his head, "Impossible. This has never 'messed up'."

"Now, all of you will be called up and once you have found out who your soulmate is, come outside of the Great Hall and I will tell you where your living space is." Professor McGonagall said. 

My jaw dropped, "We're not sleeping in our dormitories?" I asked. 

Professor McGonagall shook her head, "I'm afraid not, Miss.Granger. Additions to Hogwarts have been made. There are now several apartments on the eighth floor."

Malfoy spoke up, "There is no eighth floor." 

Professor McGonagall sighed, "There is now, Mr. Malfoy." 

It seemed a bit weird, creating a whole new floor for just this year.

"So, who'd like to go first?"


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