- Malfoy's Attention Span -

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(Caution: Swearing in this Chapter)... Oh who am I kidding, there's literally swearing in every chapter.


I woke up in a bigger bed than I fell asleep in.

I jumped up in the bed and looked around. Everything was where it was supposed to be and nothing was missing, except for there was a huge lump in the twin bed that I was supposed to be in.

I tried to get up but ended up falling out of the bed, because I was tangled in the sheets. I yelped in surprise as I fell onto the ground.

Malfoy jumped up and ran over to me, only to see me lying in the floor in a cocoon of blankets. He laughed. I glared at him and tried to move, but it seems I'm better at unconsciously tying knots than I thought I was.

I glared at Malfoy, "A little help?" 

Malfoy shrugged and shook his head, "Nah." 

I withered around a little, "MALFOY YOU ARROGANT PRICK I SWEAR I'LL-" 

Malfoy smirked, "Swear what, Granger?" 


Malfoy frowned, "So you don't want kids?"

 I just looked at him for a few seconds, thinking how I got paired up with an idiot like him.

"Malfoy, Get out."

Malfoy laughed and picked up the end of the sheets and I started untwisting until I finally could stand up. Malfoy smirked at me and threw the sheet back on the bed. 

I frowned at him, "Malfoy, How come I went to sleep in the smaller bed but woke up in the larger one?" 

Malfoy shrugged and grinned, "Magic?" 

I raised an eyebrow at him. 

"Alright, so maybe I moved you to the bigger bed." 

I frowned, "Why?" 

He shrugged, "Why did you sleep in the smaller one?"

"Because I figured you'd want to sleep in the bigger one since you're... taller... than me?" I said, more like a question than an answer. 

Malfoy rolled his eyes and gasped, "Granger... Do you... care about me!?" He gasped again. 

I smacked his hand and rolled my eyes, "Please, the day I care about you is the day Ron falls in love with Lavender." 

"Alright, you are all dismissed, but don't forget the homework!" Slughorn shouted over the creak of the chairs and students chattering. I sighed and slung my bag over my shoulder, making my way to the door.

At least this was the last class of the day. After dinner, I could sit down on the couch in the common room and get my homework done, maybe read a few more books.

I made my way to the living space Malfoy and I share. The portrait that guarded our living space was a portrait of Fred. Everytime it made me a little misty (But hey, that's for another Fanfiction) but It felt good to see his face again.

Fred grinned as I walked up to him, "Hey 'Mione. Fun day at school?" 

I chuckled, "Why of course." 

Fred grinned and got into 'position' to ask for the password.

 He did this every time.

He imitated the fat lady, "Passswoooord?" He asked. 

"Weasley." I smiled. He grinned and bowed, allowing me to enter.

I plopped down on the couch and pulled out the potions homework. Immediately, the portrait door opened.

 "I thought you'd be here." 

I rolled my eyes, "What's that supposed to mean?" 

He shrugged, "Nothing," He glanced at my book, "What're you doing?"

I sighed, "The Potions homework." 

He nodded and sat down, "Granger?" 

I didn't look up, "Malfoy." 

He shifted his foot, "What's the potions homework?" 

I glared at him, "Pay attention for once." 

He groaned, "Please Granger!" 

I scoffed, "Maybe if you listened instead of sleeping." 

He grinned, "I was imagining how sexy you'd look naked."

I glared at him, "Fuck you!" 

He threw his hands up, "Finally, we agree on something!" 

I shook my head at him, trying to cover up the red on my cheeks. It wasn't working.

He sighed, "Fine, I guess I'll just fail potions, not get a good job, loose all of my money, loose my home, live on the streets, rob muggle banks to earn money, go to jail.... all because you wouldn't tell me what the potions homework was-" 

I rolled my eyes but couldn't keep the tiny smile off my face, "You know, you're probably the biggest drama queen I've ever met."

He pointed at me, "That's King to you." 

I rolled my eyes, "Go ask Blaise." 

Malfoy frowned, "That's a good Idea," He said under his breath. 

I grinned at my feet and said, "What was that?" 

Malfoy sprinted to the door, "I just said that I was hungry and was going to go get something to eat."

 I nodded, still smiling, "Okay."


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