- Well Hello There -

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It's that beautiful time of the year. End of year exams. I don't understand what everyone complains about. You get two weeks to study for a weeks worth of exams and then you go home for the year. Or for me, you leave home.

Draco's not the least bit stressed about them. I'm not sure how but whatever. He can get a T on his and play stupid truth or dare with Blaise all night and I'll just go get all O's on mine.

"Draco Malfoy! We have our first exam tomorrow!" I shout. 

He nods, "Yeah, so?" 

I roll my eyes, "It's one in the morning and- wait, is that firewiskey!?" 

I confiscate the bottle before he could grab it. "You're a bloody idiot, you know that right?" 

He just groaned in response.

"What would your mother say?" I asked. 

He rubbed his eyes and stretched while standing up, "That's the beautiful thing, Granger. She's not here." 

I rolled my eyes, Bloody idiot.

The intoxicated ferret everyone!

"We're going to bed. Come on, let's go." He sighed and followed me to bed. 

I pulled the covers on me and he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered in my ear, I could smell the firewiskey, "Maybe we could have a little fun tonight? It's make us less nervous tomorrow." 

I smacked his head, "Nice try ferret. Not until exams are over and I can relax. Besides, the entire time I'd be quizzing myself on what a beozer is." 

Draco chuckled and kissed my head. "Good night, Granger." 

I snuggled into his chest and nodded, "Good night ferret."

The rest of the week went fairly quickly, I only went into an anxiety attack 4 times. But it was the last day of exams and the last day at Hogwarts, forever.

"Now I know that you are all excited that this is your last exam but, you should not rush. Take your time and answer to your full knowledge. You have been given quills that have been charmed to eliminate cheating, so do not try. It will not work. You have an hour and fifteen minutes to complete the exam, you may begin."

Geez, this transfiguration exam was easy. I glanced over at Harry, he looked extremely confused. I then glanced at Ron, who seemed to just register that we had started taking he exam. I rolled my eyes.


Draco kept on trying to get my attention during the exam. How did I know? Just the subtle arm flailing from him that compared immensely to the blow up creatures in front of car dealerships in the muggle world.

Why won't you answer me? 

I groaned inwardly,  I was waiting for you to take a hint. 

He scoffed. 

I rolled my eyes, I was almost done with the exam, what do you want? 

He laughed, Answers.

McGonagall looked up as if she could sense someone was cheating, I ducked. 

Really Granger

I glared at him, Would you tell me what you actually want so that we won't get in trouble

He scoffed and rolled his eyes, Right after the exam, meet me at the black lake. 

I narrowed my eyes at him. He shrugged and went back to his exam.

I rolled my eyes, bloody idiot.

"I thought it was easy. She gave us way too much time to take that exam. I was sitting there for over thirty minutes waiting." I groaned. 

Ron glared at me, "Well I think she didn't give us enough time, I had to guess on the last twenty questions." 

Harry rolled his eyes, that's because you started twenty minutes after everyone else did." 

He nodded, "Exactly, which is why she should have given me more time!"

I scoffed, "It's not McGonagall's fault you were daydreaming instead of listening!" I said and kept walking straight. 

Harry and Ron frowned at me, "Aren't you going to dinner?" 

I frowned, "I'm not that hungry, besides, Draco told me to meet him."

As I walked away, I heard Ron murmur, "I told you he'd break up with her." And then a big thud and Harry whistling, "Damn that was a bloody nice punch."

I rolled my eyes and made my way down to the lake. I saw a silhouette and approached it. Draco stood there with a t-shirt in hand, a bouquet of flowers, and he was in a tux. I raised my eyebrows at him. "Well hello there Mr. Malfoy." 

Draco turned and smirked at me, handing me the flowers, "These are for you." 

I took them and smiled at him, "I don't suppose that T-shirt is mine, is it?"

He shook his head, "It's a blind fold."

I glared at him, "You're pushing me in the lake aren't you."

 He laughed, "You know, surprisingly enough I hadn't thought of that." He held out the t-shirt, "Can I lead you somewhere?" 

I shrug, "Depends, is it my death?" 

He shook his head, "Nope. Although you might drop dead from happiness." 

I frowned," Why would that make me want to go with you, I'd still die." 

He rolled his eyes, "Please Hermione, don't you trust me?"

I rolled my eyes, snatching the t-shirt, "Oh alright, pulling the trust card and the first name card. That's a dangerous combination."

I tied the t-shirt around my eyes and held my hand out for him to take. He took it and enlaced our fingers. "Draco, where are we going?"

"A little bit longer." He said. 

I counted to thirty before he removed the blindfold. I gasped as I looked. It was already dimming outside and we were in the middle of a clearing. A picnic blanket and food was spread around with Christmas lights levitated above.

I turned to kiss him but almost choked when I saw him one one knee... with a red box. "Draco..."

He smiled at me, "Hermione Jean Granger, you have proved me wrong. You have made me a better person. Even my parents see that. You have made me he happiest man on earth this past year and I want to make you the happiest woman on earth for the rest of your life. Would you, Hermione Granger, do me the honor of becoming a Malfoy? Will you marry me?" At this he flipped the box open, I gasped and nodded, "Yes." I pulled him to me and kissed him. I kissed him long and hard.

"I love you so much." I cried. 

He smiled, "I love you too, Mrs. Malfoy.


I'll post a chapter of their wedding but that will be the last chapter. Also heads up if you read my other book I am writing a sequel for she's Mine, but I'm reposting it because I didn't like the plot.

Thank you babes ❤️❤️

While I was writing this Jason Derulo's song Marry Me came on!

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