- Whatever Ferret -

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"HAVE YOU HEARD THE NEWS!?" Ginny squealed as she streamed into the room. 

I rubbed my ear, trying to get my hearing back. "Sorry. I won't be hearing things for a good ten minutes." 

She rolled her eyes at me, "There's a ball!"

I frowned, "So?"

She gasped, "So!? So Draco's going to ask you to it, you two are going to seriously hit it off and then you live the rest of your lives happily ever after."

I laughed, "Ginny. You might as well write a book about us." 

She grinned, "Oh sure. It'll be a fiction novel by the title of 'She's Mine'" She said, waving her hands in the air.

(A/N Title of another one of my books. #ShamelessSelfPromo)

I rolled my eyes, "Highly doubtful Draco will ask me." 

Ginny looked at me and laughed, "That's real funny." 

I shrugged, "I'm not laughing." 

Ginny narrowed her eyes at me, "You're in love!" 

She turned pink and laughed nervously, "Right?" 

I nodded, "Yes, I suppose." 

She grinned, "Then of course he is!" 

I shrugged, "I'm not even sure I want to go."

Ginny threw her text book on Ancient Ruins at the sofa, she missed and It hit the floor with a large BANG! "WHAT!?"

I cringed, "That poor book."

"I'm not so sure I completely want to go," I shrugged.

She shook her head, "No, no, no. This is not what's supposed to happen. I'm supposed to walk in here real happy, then you ask what I'm so happy about. Then I tell you about the ball. Then you jump up and squeal. And then we go into your room planning what we'll wear-"

I frowned, "You really thought i'd squeal?"

She groaned and threw her hands up, exasperated. "I give up," She murmured, "Come on 'Mione."

I sigh, "Fine! If It means that much to you, I'll go," She squealed and hugged me. 

I rolled my eyes but pulled her back, "But only if he asks me."

She nodded and squealed again, "Aww, Hermione, we're going to make you look so beautiful." I rolled my eyes and swatted her away.

"Yeah, yeah, let me get back to studying." She rolled her eyes at me, but left the room, skipping.


"Where the bloody hell is Malfoy!?" I yelled, marching into the Great Hall.

This was all in the normal. I mean, everyone knew me. Plus the Great Hall was only half full. Plus, I'm Ginny. I always have something to say.

Malfoy and his friends were laughing at something. Until they heard my voice. Malfoy kind of gulped. Blaise about fell over laughing at Malfoy's face.

I marched over to the Slytherins and pointed at Malfoy, "We need to talk, Ferret." 

"Why's that, Red?"

I glared at him, "Well, if you come with me, you'll find out! Won't ya you blonde haired ferret," I said, pulling him up by the collar.

He grinned and pointed at Blaise with his thumb, "Can he come?"

I glared daggers at him. 

He smiled even broader. 

I sighed, "Fine."

I marched out of the Great Hall, my fire red hair flying around behind me. I stopped around the corner and glared at Malfoy as he rounded the corner. He jumped and raised his eyebrows at me and said, "What is it Weaselette?"

"Have you heard of the Winter Ball?" I asked. 

He nodded, "Yes." 

He frowned, "Ooh! Ooh!" squealed, mockingly raising his hand and jumping up and down.

I glared at him, "Why are you mocking Hermione?"

 His shoulders sagged, then he put that stupid grin on his face and straightened as he raised his hand even higher and whined, "Please, Professor! Please call on me!"

I raised my eyebrow at him. "You're not going to stop until I 'call' on you... are you?" 

He shook his head and Blaise grinned back at me. 

I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes. Malfoy." 

He gave me a pointed glance.

I threw my hands up, "Mr. Malfoy."

Malfoy cleared his throat and raised his eyebrow at me, "Let me guess. You dragged me all the way over here to threaten me?" 

I nodded. 

He nodded, "And you're going to threaten me that if I don't ask Granger to the Ball, you're going to use your famous Bat Bogey Hex on me?"

I frowned, "I had a whole speech and everything." 

He grinned, "Why wouldn't I take her?" 

I frowned, surprised, "You know what, Malfoy?" 

He raised his eyebrows in question.

"I think we need to talk," I glanced at Blaise, who was grinning at me, "alone." Blaise frowned.

"Tonight. Library." I said, pointing at him. 

He shrugged, "Alright, but I'm telling you now, I'm not snogging you." 

I rolled my eyes at him. "Whatever Ferret."


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