- Don't You Ever Think That -

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I awkwardly chuckled at Narcissa who gave me a look. "I'll just be upstairs. Merry Christmas, Mrs. Malfoy." She didn't reply so I started to fast walk to the stairs. Screw it.  I muttered, and started sprinting upstairs, throwing Draco's present into the guest room where i'm supposed to be in. Pshh, as if.

I opened the door just in time to see Draco hurl a vase at the wall. I flinched as it crashed. I closed the door, causing him to look at me. I tried to keep the pity out of my eyes, I know he hated it when people pitied him. 

Draco ran his hands through his hair and threw himself onto the bed. I made it over to him. I smiled down at him, brushing the hair off his forehead. Draco sighed and grabbed my waist, pulling me on top of him. I placed my hands on either side of his head, holding my body up. His hands curled firmly around my waist. 

"Are you alright?" I asked. 

He scoffed. 

I rolled my eyes, "I realize that was a stupid question but I'm serious."

Draco sighed, "Maybe they're right." I sat up on him so that my knees were on either sides of his stomach. 

"What?" I asked, eyebrows furrowed. 

"Maybe they're right about us." 

I chuckled and got up off of him, picking up my hoodie and folding it, "You're hilarious, Draco." 

Draco narrowed his eyes at me, "I'm serious."

 I nodded, "Mhhm. I'm sure you are." 

I heard him growl and he marched over to me, I dropped the hoodie as he pushed me into the wall, hands above my head. 


He growled, "You know, Hermione, terror has made me cruel." 

I rolled my eyes, "Don't start with this whole deatheater shit again." I said, pulling my hands away. 

His eyes were a cold grey, they weren't supposed to be like that. They were supposed to be warm yet sharp. 

"I'm not fucking around, Hermione. Maybe they are right. We aren't supposed to be together." 

It was my turn to shove him, "Stop saying that!" 

He shook his head, "It's true! You're the Gryffindor Princess. I'm the Slytherin sex god! Or the ex deatheater."

I rolled my eyes, "You are not."

Draco growled, "I'm no good for you! I'm a bad person." 

I stopped as I neared the other side of the bed, "Are you kidding me?"

"Hermione, I've been a jerk to you since 1st year! My parents believe in blood shit. You have an image to hold. You're everyone's favorite witch. I'm hated!" Draco walked to the other side of the bed. 

I put my hands on the mattress, "Does it ever occur to you to not be such a selfish prick!? Maybe I don't care! Maybe i'm in love with you and can't do anything about it. Maybe I don't care about my image. Maybe I don't care about what your parents think about us! But you don't care! You just think that because you were a death eater that means you're this horrible person! You've changed you prick!" 

I sat on the bed, my back to him, head in my hands. "When will you realize I didn't do this for me?" 

"So is this some charity event? You didn't have  to come you know." 

I turned to him, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. His face was pale. I guess he realized what he said. 


I shook my head, "No. I'm completely fine with that. I get it, your parents want me to leave, and so do you. That's fine." I made my way to the door, "Maybe I should just start packing then." I threw the door open and slammed it behind me. 

I walked to the guest room down the hall and locked the door behind me. I grabbed my clothes and threw them in a bag. I heard someone try the door knob and I hurried the process I placed the bag on the bed and was tying it up as Draco burst in. He marched up to me and pushed me onto the bed. He pinned my arms to my sides. I was completely at him mercy. 

"Don't you ever think that." He growled. 


He sighed, "I'm just trying to protect you." 

I scoffed, "Trust me, Draco. I don't need anyone to protect me after what I've been through." 

He sighed, "I know."

 I smiled and reached up and kiss him, his arms still holding me down. 

He sighed and pulled away, "I love you." 

I smiled, "I love you too." 

I kissed him again, this time deepening the kiss. 


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