- In Your Face, Mudblood -

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"Ah, you, Young man!"

I could hear Ron gulp as Kingsley's finger landed on him. "I-" Ron tried, but he couldn't find the words. So, Ron shut his mouth and got up. He stubbed his toe on the table as he stumbled up to the giant trophy type thing.

"Ah, Ronald Weasley." Kingsley greeted, "And how was your summer?"

Ron raised an eyebrow at him, "Well, It was bloody excellent until-"

Professor McGonagall cleared her throat, knowing where he was headed with his words.

"Right. Well... don't be shy! Go on!" Kingsley said. Ron's anxious look returned as he reached out and poked the bowl. As soon as his pointer finger made contact with the ball, a slightly burned piece of parchment erupted from yellow flames.

Kingsley snatched the piece of parchment out of the air and gave it to Ron. Ron took it with trembling hands and unfolded it. My heart was practically running a marathon. "Are you sure this thing doesn't make mistakes?" My heart plummeted and my breath caught in my throat.

Kingsley grunted and took the piece of parchment. "Impossible, Mr. Weasley. It says here your soulmate is," I gripped the table, "Lavender Brown." Ron's face went pale as he immediately turned to me.

I was glad I didn't do anything stupid. I just sat there, emotionless. I couldn't do anything, mostly because I couldn't feel anything. So, I sat there, while dozens of students were staring at me, waiting for me to react. Worst of all, Ron was staring at me. He was waiting for me to react as well.

I felt Harry's hand grip my shoulder, as if he was afraid I might collapse to the ground. Which I wouldn't put it past me. Ginny was glaring at Ron. I'm not sure why, but when Ginny glares at you, you're dead.

Lavender jumped up immediately, however. She sprinted over to Ron, practically crushing him, "Won Won! I knew that mudblood wasn't good enough for you." She giggled, "But I am!" She wrapped around Ron's arm and grinned up at him.

I glanced at Professor McGonagall. She had a moment of shock, she shook her head and cleared her throat. Eyes were drawn to her, "Right, uh, Mr. Weasley, Miss. Brown, please follow me out into the entrance hall, I'll give you directions to your new living space."

Ron shakily stood up, trying to make eye contact with me. I gave in as he was about to pass. He mouthed, "I'm sorry." But how can you be sorry for something that was destiny? Lavender laughed at me and hissed, "In your face, Mudblood."

"Should I call Greyback to try again?" Ginny frowned, "too soon?"

I shook Harry off and nodded reassuringly. "I'm fine." He frowned, but nodded.

"Harry Potter." Kingsley said. Ginny froze up beside me and Harry squeezed her hand before standing up and walking to the bowl.

Harry reached out towards the bowl and touched it, blue flames erupted and a tiny piece of parchment floated into Kingsley's outstretched arm. Kingsley opened it up and said, "Your soul mate is... Ginny Weasley." Harry and Ginny simultaneously sighed in relief. Tears welled up in my eyes. I shook my head, No. You should be happy for them.

But it just didn't seem fair. After all of this, everything that has happened, all of the war and being tortured, I'd been happy because I'd been with my true love. At least I thought I had. Turns out that relationship was a bloody lie.

"Hermione Granger." Kingsley said, as Ginny and Harry stood up. My breathe caught in my throat. Harry squeezed my arm. Ginny smiled reassuringly at me and nodded, "It's alright, 'Mione."

I nodded as I took a shaky breath and stood up. Kingsley smiled at me, I, unfortunately, couldn't return the gesture. I held out a trembling hand to the bowl. A tiny shock shot through my finger as It made contact with the bowl.

I pulled away as gold flames erupted and a piece of parchment flew into Kingsley's hand. His grin turned into a shocked expression. I silently cursed Merlin.

He held the piece of parchment out to me and I took it. I gasped as I read the 11 letters that would forever change me and my life.

Draco Malfoy

I shook my head, "That's impossible. That thing messed up. He- can't... I- can't-..."

Kingsley shook his head, "It is quite a weird match, although it is true."

I glared at him, "And you would know how?"

Kingsley frowned, "Miss. Granger, that is your soulmate. It's just a fact."

"Why don't you tell everyone who your soulmate is?" Kingsley said, his grin returning. I glared at the ceiling and silently cursed Dumbledore. I bet he's up in heaven having a good laugh at my predicament.

Then, I glared right at Malfoy, "Ferret." Malfoy's mouth fell and he glared at me, "Mudblood." There were gasps, there were laughs, but most of all... there were a lot of, "WHAT!?" 's.

"Please exit to the entrance hall." Kingsley yelled over the shouts coming from the other students. I folded the piece of parchment and stuffed it into my pockets in my robes.

Malfoy reluctantly stood up and followed me out of the Great Hall. "Don't think this changes anything, Mudblood." I nodded, "I completely agree, you're still a filthy ferret to me." He sneered back, "And you're the dirty mudblood scum under my-"

"Well I'll be..." We both looked up to see Professor McGonagall looking at us fondly.

I shook my head, "Excuse me, Professor?"

She shook her head and smiled, "I said, your living space is right next to Mr. Potter and Miss. Weasley's, they'll show you where it's located. The password is Weasley." I frowned, but nodded and walked over to Harry and Ginny.

Malfoy wasn't moving, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him. He yanked his hand out of mine, "Don't touch me! Look! Now I've got dirty blood all over my hand!"

I rolled my eyes, "Oh, Malfoy, stop being such a drama queen."

He looked appalled. "You touched me."

I nodded, "Right. And I wouldn't have had to if you'd move!" I said.

I turned to Harry and walked towards him. His grin dropped, "Oh, Bloody hell." Ginny turned to see what Harry was looking at and when she saw me her shoulders sagged, "Merlin's Beard..." I nodded.

"Potter. Weaselette." Malfoy acknowledged.

Harry raised his eyebrows at him in greeting, Ginny shook her head. "It must be a mistake. You two can't be-"

Malfoy nodded, "I can tell you it won't be a permanent arrangement."

I laughed, "Oh really, and who's going to make this a temporary arrangement?"

Malfoy scoffed, "Obviously my Fath-"

I stopped him, "Your father has no power anymore."

Malfoy glared at me, "How dare you say that to me you filthy little-"

I nodded and rolled my eyes, shocking him, "Yeah, Yeah, You filthy little mudblood, Honestly Ferret. At least mix it up a little!"

He was too shocked to reply. I whipped around to face Harry and Ginny, "So, where are we living?"

Ginny grinned.

Harry laughed, "Well, this is going to be an interesting marriage experience."



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