- Classic Gryffindor -

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I wasn't upset about the whole situation.

I mean, it was obviously a mistake. They will realize the awful mistake they have committed, and then they will tell Granger to go live with Weasel. Then, they'll find a suitable girl for me, obviously they'll never allow someone like me to marry someone like that her.

I lay on the silver and green couch in the sitting room in our 'house' and sigh as Granger continued to rant on. "...just completely unfair!" She huffed as she came to a stop as she stood in front of me. "Oh, don't tell me you're actually alright with this!" She shrieked.

I shrugged. 

Her jaw dropped, "Wh-What!? N-No! You- You hate me! We could never get married. And we could never do-" She blushed and shook her head, "that." 

I smirked, "I'm sorry, Granger. We could never do... what?" 

She glared at me, "You know."

I stood up and smirked at her, trying to figure out what her personal boundaries were, "No, I'm sorry, I don't. Maybe if you were to explain it to me..." I stepped closer and I swear to Godric her breath hitched. She blinked and scoffed, refusing to step down.

I rolled my eyes, classic Gryffindor.

"What's the matter, Granger? A bit close for you?" 

She opened her mouth to sneer at me but then closed it and shook her head. 

I chuckled, "I thought so. But, you do know that we'll have to be even closer when we have-" 

Granger plugged her ears and rolled her eyes, "Shut up Malfoy!"

I tilted my head and looked at her in mock sympathy, "Aww does the little Gryffindor Princess not like the..." I looked around as if someone were watching and whispered, "the word." I covered my mouth afterwards and gave her a look. 

She stuck her tongue out at me. 

I rolled my eyes, "Oh very mature." 

She scoffed, "Don't even start on maturity."

I looked around and said, "You know what this place would be great for?" 

Granger mumbled, "A living space?" 

I shook my head, "No. This would be a great place for snogging." 

Granger scoffed. 

I grinned, "And if it got a little heated-" 

She threw the gold and red pillow at me. I chuckled.

"Must you make everything about that?" 

I shrugged, "I don't know, wanna find out?"

 I raised my eyebrows at her suggestively. She didn't get it for a while, but when she did, I had a few more pillows in my face.

She scoffed, "Whatever, I'm going to bed." 

I opened my mouth but she interrupted me, not even turning around, "And no, you can't Slytherin." 

I frowned, "Then where am I supposed to sleep? There's only one bed!" 

She shook her head, "Not anymore, blondie." 

It was quite boring sitting in the common room, so I eventually sighed and headed into the bedroom to go to sleep.

But as I walked in I heard a faint snore. My eyes traveled over to the lump in the twin size bed crammed at the foot of the king sized bed. I rolled my eyes, I should've known. I should've known that she would have taken the smaller bed.

I rolled my eyes, classic Gryffindor.

I wish I could move her to the King sized bed without waking her up. 

I practically slapped myself. You're a bloody Wizard, Draco! I told myself. I swear, sometimes I was as clueless as Weasel. Which was another thing I found ironic in Granger and weasel's relationship. The fact that an idiot like Weasel and a brainiac like Granger were a couple.

I took out my wand and whispered, "Wingardium Leviosa." 

Granger's body slowly lifted up onto the bed. Her hair swinging like a closing curtain, her body wrapped tightly in the sheets. I tried to set her down as easy as I could. She moaned and turned the other way, facing me.

I frowned, She looked... beautiful... laying there, her hair everywhere, scattered over her shoulder, back, and cheek. I carefully stepped towards her and took the piece of hair on her cheek and tucked it behind her ear, she smiled in her sleep. I smiled.

I shook my head and backed up. No! I can't think that way. I sighed and laid down in bed, having a personal debate with myself.

It took forever, but I finally fell asleep, picturing a certain brunette.


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