- Ah, Denial -

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I was pissed. And so not in the mood for dinner. Especially while sitting near that bloody moron! Granted, Harry was separating us, coughing awkwardly. 

I glared at Ginny from across the table, who was looking helpless since her brilliant idea didn't work. She figured that if we sat next to each other it found ease some tension between us.

Well, long story short, there may or may not have been a few names called and a few dishes broken on a human being. Of course there's only a slight chance that's true...

"Can I move now?" I asked Ginny. 

She sighed and motioned me over. 

I rolled my eyes and got up. "Maybe Malfoy was right, you are a bloody know it all mudbl-." 

Harry cut him off, "I'd seriously reconsider what you say next."

My jaw dropped. In second year he tried to hex Malfoy into eating slugs for calling me the name he'd almost called me! And now here he was.... oh how the mighty have fallen.

Ginny heard and stood up, looking at Ron in horror. "What did you say?" Ron looked down a little embarrassed at the attention Ginny was drawing.

 "Nothing, Gin. Sit down, would ya?" He said. 

Harry was beginning to yell at Ron. But I didn't stick around to hear it.

I tried to walk as quickly out of the Great Hall without running. I just needed some time to gather myself. No crying, strictly calming myself down. And that was final.

That was not final. 

As soon as I rounded the corner out of the Great hall, I ran to the staircase and collapsed on the step I had sat on when Ron hurt me all those years ago during the Tri-Wizard tournament. Apparently, it wasn't just in second year that 'History is to repeat itself'.

I didn't care who saw, I didn't care who heard. Not that it mattered anyways, everyone was in the Great Hall for the first feast of the month. The first day of every month we would have a feast themed on a holiday or special event that was in that month.

And since it was the first of October, the theme was obviously Halloween. And that was the one feast, regarding December's, that no one skipped.

I had finally calmed myself down and was wiping the last few tears from my eyes when I heard, "Granger?" 

I turned around to see Malfoy standing there, "Are you-" 

I shook my head at him, "Malfoy, please leave me alone. I really don't feel like being made fun of at the moment, alright?"

I didn't wait for him to answer, I just walked briskly into the Great Hall, but not before putting a half believable fake smile on my face.

 I walked over to Ginny and sat down. "Are you alright? I-"

 I waved her off, "I'm used to it." 

Ginny shook her head, "Which is bloody fu-" 

I patted her arm, "Nothing to swear about, Ginny." 

Ginny shook her head, "No it is, 'Mione. You might be used to it but that doesn't mean it's right. And especially my brother saying that to you! He's your best friend!" 

I rolled my eyes, "I doubt he considers me even a friend now." 

I picked up my fork and sort of played with my food a bit, not in the mood for the pies and desserts and apples. I about dropped my goblet when a voice appeared in my mind.

You sure you're alright, Granger

I sighed, How many times do I have to tell you, Malfoy? Get out of my head! 

He paused, I believe I'm communicating long distance. Kind of like using one of those muggle contraptions, the ones with the ant antenna. I laughed out loud on accident.

Ginny looked at me, startled, along with Harry and Ron. 

"Are you alright, 'Mione?" 

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. Colin just spilled his pumpkin juice all over Pavarti." 

I chuckled a bit, trying to sound believable. Luckily, none of them looked around. I sighed in relief and looked up, making eye contact with a certain blonde Slytherin.

Do you mean a telephone, Malfoy

He chuckled, Ah, right, that's what it is

I rolled my eyes. 

Man, you guys flirt a lot, you know that

I recognized that voice...

I smacked Ginny. 

She smirked, "What?" 

I rolled my eyes at her, "We are not." 

We really are.

I glared at him, Not helping

He smirked triumphantly. 

No, no, I see where the red head is coming from

I glanced not even centimeters away from Malfoy to see Blaise Zabini grinning ear to ear.

Why don't you guys go have some secret conversation in your own heads and not bud into ours, Malfoy said. 

Why? Afraid we might... hear something? Perhaps a phrase that starts in I... and ends in you? 

I frown at him, Blaise, what are you talking about? I tell Malfoy I hate him daily. Malfoy raised his hand in agreement.

Ginny laughed, but Blaise sighed, Ah, denial

I rolled my eyes. No, Granger. I expected you to be the first one to pick that one up, since you are the brightest in this conversation, no matter how much we want to be, you are. 

I frowned at Blaise from across the room, There are butterflies in my stomach and I'm blushing crimson. Now what are you going on about?

Blaise smirked, Starts with I... ends in you... and in the middle between the two, the word love is in there

I frowned at Malfoy, I don't believe I've heard that one before. 

Malfoy laughed, No I believe I haven't either

Blaise scoffed, I quit.


I love this <3

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