- How Did You Know? -

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I hadn't talked to Ron in over a week, but here he was, sprinting to catch up to me, calling my name. I ducked through a crowd of sixth years and sprinted out onto the grounds. 

I swung around in every direction, looking to see if he was close. I didn't see anything. I sighed in relief.

"Hey Granger." A voice said, making me jump. 

I groaned and turned around, "What do you want Malfoy?" 

He smirked, "A little jumpy... aren't we?" 

I made a face at him as I heard loud footsteps behind me. I swung around to see a very mad looking Ron.

"Oh, my apologies," He said sarcastically, "Did I just interrupt one of your snogging sessions?" 

I rolled my eyes, "Please, Malfoy and I would never do that." 

Although, in the back of my mind a voice chanted, Never Say Never

Malfoy turned to me, crossing his arms over his chest, "So I suppose last night meant nothing to you?" 

I blushed and glared at Malfoy, then turned back to Ron, ready to tell him I did not and will not do anything with Malfoy. But Ron already got his own answer, and It wasn't the one I was hoping for.

His ears were red and he looked like he did when he was wearing the horcrux. Jealous. Mad. "Fine then, already moved on?" He shook his head, "I should've known. I should have known it was only a matter of time before you and Malfoy started shagging because of that stupid law." He turned around, huffing, and strutted into the castle.

"I didn't know you two shagged! Nice job, Mate!" I heard the annoying sound of Blaise Zabini's voice. 

I turned to glare at Malfoy, who was grinning at Blaise. 

"This is all your fault!" I shouted. 

He frowned, "How is this all my fault!? You were the one who was with him beforehand!" 

I continually glared at him, "You didn't have to lie to him and say that we shagged." 

Blaise frowned, "So you two didn't-"

 I pointed my glare to him, "No! Absolutely not!" 

Malfoy scoffed, "I didn't lie to him. I just said 'I suppose last night meant nothing to you', he was the one who said we shagged." 

I glared at him, "You lied to him." 

He shrugged, "You know, Granger, I think I'll be able to live with that."

I shook my head, "I've got to go tell him the truth." 

Malfoy shrugged, but then grinned at me, "You know, I wouldn't mind for that lie to become true..." 

I made a disgusted look at him, "In your dreams." 

He frowned, "How did you know?" 

I rolled my eyes and his immaturity and walked into the castle in search for Ron, not missing the fist bump Blaise and Malfoy exchanged.


I feel bad because these are all such short chapters, but since these are all short chapters, the book will just be that much longer...

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