- This One's Mine -

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My muggle alarm clock went off and I quickly turned it off, not wishing to be annoyed any further. I groaned.

Draco hogged the covers last night and I was shivering all night. The only way I could stay warm was if I made my way in between Draco's arms. I'm 99% sure that was on purpose. 

I quietly untangled myself out of Draco's arms. I sat on the side of the bed for a second, until I felt warm hands on my waist, pulling me back. 

I rolled my eyes, "Draco," I groaned. 

"Don't leave!" He moaned. 

I laughed and kissed his forehead, "I have to. I'm meeting Ginny." 

He groaned, "To do what?" he grinned, "to talk about me?" 

I blushed, but pushed him off, "No. To get ready for the ball tonight." 

Draco squinted his eyes to look at the clock and scoffed, "It's eleven in the morning!" I nodded, "Technically it's 12 but congratulations on learning how to read a clock." He rolled his eyes, "Whatever."

I got up and grabbed a shirt, noticing he was watching me, I said, "Draco turn around, I'm changing." 

He pouted, "That's not fair. That's like asking a kid not to glance at the candy counter." 

I gave him a look and he sighed and shut his eyes. I caught him a few times. 

"I'll see you tonight." I said, flicking his head. He ducked under the covers in retreat. 

I laughed, "Love you." And shut the door. 

I made my way over to Ginny's flat. "Ginevra!" I called as I entered the flat. I heard racing footsteps and soon I had a red head on my back yelling, "How many times do I have to tell you to not call me that!?" she hissed, "Especially with Harry in the room." 

I rolled my eyes.

"Come on, we've only got 6 hours to get the three of us ready." 

I frowned, "Three?" 

Luna walked around the corner and smiled at me, "Hello Hermione!" 

I smiled at her, "Hello Luna. I thought you said you weren't going to the ball." 

She smiled, "Oh I'm not."

I looked at Ginny, she shrugged and murmured, "Who knows." 

I nodded and walked into Ginny and Harry's room. I sat down on the bed and frowned, "Where's Harry?" 

Ginny smirked, "He's on his broom. Has been since six this morning. I swear, when that boy sets his mind to something, there's no telling him no." 

I laughed, "Ginny, trust me, I know."

She laughed, "Yeah, sorry. Forgot about that." 

"Well, quit stalling. We've got to get ready." 



"Blaise, mate?" I asked. 


I frowned, Are there any wrinkles on my dress robes?" 


I frowned, "Do my eyes look bright enough?"


"OH MY MERLIN!" I shouted. "What!? What is it?" Blaise asked. I turned to him, terrified, "Is my hair blonde enough!?" 

Blaise sighs, "Oh, you're blonde alright."

It was silent for a second, "Do you think Granger will care about how good I look?"


I hit him, "Shhhh. Is that- is that Weaselette?" 

Someone slapped my shoulder. 

I turned to see Potter glaring at me, "Hey, you've got Hermione. This one's mine." 

Weaselette was wearing a red strapless dress with intricate designs in yellow. Hey hair was clipped back in a complicated twist and the rest of her hair tumbled down her back. 

Potter and Weaselette made their way over to me. Potter was still eyeing me, but Weaselette was grinning. 

"I think you'll like how we cleaned up your little Gryffindor." 

I frowned, "What are you talking about?" 

Blaise nudged me. I glanced at him, but he was staring at something off in the distance. I tried to figure out what he was staring at, I found it quite easily. 

Hermione Granger stood at the top of the stair case in a miraculous red dress. It broadcasted every curve she had and flowed out at her ankles, hiding her feet. She held a gold hand purse and her hair was in a complicated braid and curled. She wore red lipstick and eyeliner. The blush was all natural. Small gold earrings hung from her ears. She wrung her hands and slowly walked down the stair case. 

My heart about stopped. Correction, it did in fact stop. I realized what all of these guys' problems were. Every boy's head turned as she walked in. I barely had time to be jealous, I was so lost in her eyes.


I couldn't help but think that one night of studying with her and they'd all crawl back to their friends, because they don't appreciate her quirkiness like I do. They don't appreciate that bossy demeanor. Her Gryffindor sarcasm. They don't appreciate her bushy curly hair that flows in beautiful curls that get lost behind each other. They don't appreciate how her eyebrow raises when she talks. They don't appreciate how she bites her lip when she studies. 

I bet none of them would even stop and say a word to her on a regular day, even if she was the brains of the light side. 

And I'm glad she doesn't fall for that. 


This is part 1 of the ball ;)

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