- Does This Mean I'm Lucky? -

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"Hey Granger?" I groaned. 

Granger shifted in her seat and sighed, "Hmmm?" 

I sat up, shoving the pile of textbooks onto the floor, "Want to do something fun?"

Granger rolled her eyes, "We're studying for a test."

 I nodded, "Right. That's why I asked if you wanted to do something fun." 

She sighed, "What Malfoy?" 

I smirked, "Not telling. You'll just have to trust me." 

She scoffed, "And why in the name of Merlin should I trust you?"

 I shrugged, she did have a fair point. I didn't have an answer, "Well, If you die, I'll have to dispose of your body, clean up the scene, come up with a story, and live with a secret the rest of my life."

 Granger blinked. 

I nodded, "You see, the whole situation is too bloody complicated. So let's go..."

Granger thought for a moment. Honestly, I was happy she was even considering it. "Fine. But I swear if you do anything-" 

I held up my hands in defense, "I know, I know." 

I grinned, "Well come on Granger."

She groaned, "Why am I dreading this already?"

 I laughed as we ran out of the portrait. 

Fred called after us, saying, "NO SNOGGING! I'M WARNING YOU!" 

I laughed, "Only if I'm not lucky!" 

Granger turned around, "What did you say?"

She looked sincerely confused.

 I laughed, "Nothing, Granger." I smiled. She gave me a skeptical look. 

We made it to the grounds of Hogwarts only having to hide. It was rather uncomfortable and a bit awkward, I'll admit. Granger's body was pressed against mine as we hid behind a column of fire. Filch was moving painfully slow. 

Granger sighed, "Well that was interesting." 

Her face still had a tint of red to it. 

"Where are we going, Malfoy?" she asked.

 I grinned and motioned for her to follow, "You'll find out." I frowned, "Actually. Close your eyes." 

She shook her head, "Oh, no. I'm going to fall and roll down the hill." 

I rolled my eyes, "Relax, I'll lead you there." 

She frowned but eventually gave in. 

She closed her eyes and I took her hand, which she clung to like a life line with both hands. I looked back every once and a while to make sure she wasn't looking. She wasn't. 

"Alright. Open your eyes." I said, dropping her hand reluctantly. 

She squinted and gasped. "The quidditch pitch..." 

I grabbed my broom and nodded, "We're going for a little ride." 

Her face went pale, and she gulped, "Uh. As in on the ground?" 

I frowned, "Are you a witch or not?" 

She shook her head, taking a step back, "I can't. I- I'm terrified of heights." 

I frowned, "What witch doesn't like to fly!?" 

She raised her hand just like she does in class, "This one!" 

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