- Epilogue -

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"Ginny I'm so nervous." I said, slipping into my dress. 

"'Mione, look, every bride is nervous on her wedding day. Every single one. But they don't have to be. And you don't have to be either." 

I glared at her, "And why is that?" 

She got up and zipped the back of my dress, "Because it's a beautiful June day, it's not raining thank Merlin, and you're about to marry the man you love." 

I smiled and said, "Thanks Gin." 

She nodded.

"Yes, and besides, you look absolutely amazing." Luna sighed from her chair in the corner. 

I smiled, "Thank you Luna."

"Alright Granger time to-" pansy stopped in the doorway. 

"Hello Pansy." 

She nodded, "Granger. You're looking... beautiful." She coughed. 

I smirked. 

She shook her head, "Shut up, i'm counting on you to make his life living hell." 

I laughed, "Will do Pans." 

I sighed, "Is it time?" 

She nodded, "Time to get you hitched!"

I took a deep breath, "Okay, I think I'm ready."

The wedding was outside, Draco insisted on it. It was a beautiful June day with lots of sunshine and no sign of rain, but I didn't plan on jinxing it.

Ginny walked out first with Harry, then Blaise with Pansy. My father rounded the corner as i came outside. He smiled at me, "This is it, Mione." 

I smiled at him, "I love you so much." 

He started to tear up, "I love you too kiddo." 

He laughed, "You're not allowed to cry. Ginny will be truly pissed." 

I laughed, "Very true. She's stop the ceremony just to redo my makeup."

He smiled and linked my arm in his. "It's showtime."

I rolled my eyes but smiled, my dad was always one for the dramatics. We started to walk forward, and I heard the music start to play. I could see Luna's back a ways down but nothing else.

The wedding was in a clearing with shrubs all around. It was kind of like a maze, which didn't help Harry. The shrubs had white ribbons tied in bows around them. Flowers shot up everywhere and it looked absolutely amazing.

We neared the aisle and i could see Draco's face. And my heart stopped.


I saw her and my heart stopped for a full five seconds. I forgot how to breathe.

Because she looked magnificent.

Not because of her hair curled and pinned up in a complicated fashion, it wasn't he pale pink lipstick she had on. It wasn't the blush painted on her face. It wasn't the earnings. It wasn't even the eyeshadow that forced her eyes to stand out. It was Hermione Granger who was beautiful, not the accessories.

"Granger." I mouthed. 

She blushed a deep red and mouthed, "Malfoy."

I saw her father roll his eyes but smile.

I saw her smile and I felt a piece of my heart melt at the sight. And my eyes felt like they were burning. And it was amazing.

Mr. Granger handed me his daughter's hand and winked at me and said to her, "I approve." 

And walked away as if nothing happened. 

I raised my eyebrows at her. 

She shook her head.

To be honest, I didn't pay attention during the whole speech until he said, "Do you, Draco Malfoy, take Hermione Granger to be your wife?" 

I smiled, "I do."

He turned to Hermione, "And do you, Hermione Granger, take Draco Malfoy to be your husband?" 

She smiled at me, "I do."

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride." I leaned in and captured her lips in mine.

Mostly everyone was clapping, and then there were the other people who were cat calling. And then there was one person crying, bawling, and that would be...

My father.

Hello my amazing readers! So this is the last chapter and I hope you enjoyed reading this book as much as I enjoyed writing it!

At the end, we ended this book with...

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