Chapter 3 •Это баки•

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•Это баки•
[It is Bucky]

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    Natasha flattened her dress against her legs before clasping her hands together as a few UN staffer's has her sign some papers.  Prince T'Challa of Wakanda turned to her.  He was a handsome prince with short black hair and a bit of beard.  His suit fit him nicely.  He walked over to her, putting his hands behind his back.  "Miss Romanoff," he acknowledged, catching his attention. 

   "Prince T'Challa," she said, starting to bow.

   " need for that."

   "My apologies," she smirked as he nodded. 

   "I presume you are not a fan of the spotlight?"

   "Well, it's certainly not flattering."

   "You seem to be doing alright so far. Considering your last trip to Capitol Hill... I wouldn't think you would be particularly comfortable in this sort of company," he figured.

   "I'm not," she said simply.

   "That alone makes me glad you're here, Miss Romanoff."

   "Why, you don't approve of all this?"

   "The Sokovia Accords?  Yes.  The politics?  Definitely no.  Two normal people in a room can get more done than a hundred politicians," he said, causing Nat to nod and chuckle a bit. 

   "Unless you need to move something great," T'Challa's father King T'Chaka said with a smile. 

   He was a heavyset, older man.  His hair was turning white and his left eye lazy.  "Utata," T'Challa said, smiling.

   T'Chaka smiled back, "Unyana.  Miss Romanoff," he nodded.

   "King T'Chaka.  I would like to apologize about what happened in Nigeria."

   "Thank you.  Thank you for agreeing to all these measures.  I'm sad to hear that Captain Rogers or any other member of the Avengers will not be joining us today."

   "Yeah, so am I," she peeped. 

   "Please be seated.  The meeting is now in session," a man over the speakers said and was repeated in many languages. 

   After everyone had their seats, King T'Chaka began to speak.  "When stolen Wakandan vibranium was used to make a terrible weapon, we in Wakanda were forced to question our legacy.  Those men and women killed in Nigeria, were part of a goodwill mission from a country too long in the shadows.  We will not, however, let misfortune drive us back.  We will fight to improve the world we wish to join.  I am grateful to the Avengers who signed the Accords for supporting this initiative," the King said as his son spotted something strange outside.  "Wakanda is proud to extend its hand in peace-"

   "EVERYONE GET DOWN!" T'Challa shouted as he dove after his father. 

   A half second later, a massive bomb exploded, shattering the windows and thundering through the building.  Blood was everywhere.  Dust and debris blanketed everything in sight.  People were injured.  People were dead. 

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