Chapter 5 •Леди в человек•

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•Леди в человек•
[Lady's Man]

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Steve and James sat quietly at park bench, eating some fresh sandwiches from the local deli. The brunet sighed, squeezing his sandwich a little too hard, making some pieces fall out. "Hey, Buck, you're killin' your sandwich there."

James didn't say anything. He just kept eating angrily. "What's wrong, Bucky?"

"Am I good enough, Steve?"

"Huh?" The blond asked, not understanding the vague question.

"It seems every girl I talk to, they smile for a bit, then next thing you know, they're gone. What am I doing wrong? Wait...why am I asking you this?" He pondered and continued to eat his sandwich.

"Maybe you're looking at the wrong gals, Buck. The ones you go for are all the same; too much makeup, grabby, and they wanna spend all your cash."

James smiled sadly, realizing the truth in his best friend's statement. "That Dot girl, you had quite a thing for her. You and your red-heads, Buck," Steve said with a small chuckle.

"Yeah, Dolores, she was a beaut. But I couldn't win that damn bear for'er. Got to dance with her, though. Besides, Steve, you had eyes for her friend...uh...what was the other gal's name?"


"Yeah and Dot kept mentionin' Regina was from Switzerland. Something about foreign gals, Steve, I like 'em."

"You like every girl that crosses your path!"

"Well yeah, but those accents they have, it melts my heart."

"Don't tell me you're gonna marry a Soviet spy or something."

James pointed his finger at him jokingly. "Hey, some of those Russian gals are real pretty."

After talking back and forth about different girls, a tall, black-haired man walked up behind Steve, shoving him hard in the back. "Look at little Steve Rogers, all frail and pale. You remember our fight last week, eh? Blood runnin' down your face," he described with a cheeky smile as James stood quickly.

"Get outta here, Daniel," James growled.

"Whattaya gonna do about, Barnes? You look like you can't even take on a little girl," Daniel taunted as Steve became increasingly angry.

"Well, I don't go shoving around little girls, Danny."

"Then fight me, Barnes. Are ya man enough?" He asked, putting up his fists.

"No! Fight me, Danny. This is our feud!" Steve yelled as Danny shoved him out of the way.

James socked Daniel in the face as the young, ebony-haired man cackled. "Oh, Indiana boy's got some backbone. Let me break it for ya!" He said swinging at James as he dodged it, surprising Daniel.

"My father was a amateur boxer," James mumbled and swung into Daniel's stomach. "I surpassed his amateur skills." James whacked once more, and then again.

•Из России с любовью• [From Russia With Love] [BuckyNat Series Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now