Chapter 10 •Найди ее•

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•Найди ее•
[Find Her]

    From the airport, Natasha hailed a cab and paid them to take her to Pine Village. As she sat back in the leather seat, she writhed her hands and didn't dare talk to the driver more than she needed to. When she did arrive at the edge of the small town, she immediately got out of the cab and got her things, staying behind after paying. Now she needed a place to stay. And to eat, she was quite hungry. She hoped being a remote town would make it harder for the government to find her. Maybe she was right after all. She had appeared alongside an old, small home. Maybe she could ask them where the best place to stay is in town.

Bringing her things along, she went to the front door of the house which must of been from the easily 1900s or something. Sighing, she brushed a lock of hair out of her face and knocked on the door. After about a minute, she nearly left, but then the creaky door opened, revealing a curious old lady, most likely in her late 90s. "Yes, young lady?" She asked.

"Hello ma'am. Do you know any good restaurants around here?" Natasha asked sweetly as the old lady noticed her bags.

"Oh well, there is a very nice diner down about a block that way. Do you have a place to stay, young lady?"

"No, not at the moment," Nat shook her head.

"Well, you can have a meal here."

   "Oh, I couldn't.  I don't wanna intrude."

   "Nonsense.  Besides, it's just me here and my dog Josie.  We could use the extra company.  I'm making pot roast tonight."

   "Sounds delicious," Nat smiled.  "Are you sure I can stay?"

   "Of course, dear," the old lady smiled and nodded. 

   "What's your name, ma'am?"

   "Rebecca Proctor, Barnes formerly," she answered as Natasha froze at the mention of "Barnes."  "What is your name, young lady?"


   "Well then, Miss Natasha, come on inside," Rebecca insisted, coming inside.

   Natasha nodded and stepped inside the home, its old scent filling her nose.  It smelled like old wood and dusty books.  It was a quaint little home and then came the dog, old too.  And surprisingly, Natasha was actually still a bit shorter than Rebecca.  Tall.  Barnes.  Old.  Maybe it's just a coincidence.


   "I have called you all here to inform of a news report from the United States," T'Challa said, looking at Steve, Wanda, and Sam all seated around on a semi-circle couch.  "Mr. Barton and Mr. Lang are out of trouble besides being on house arrest, but now you three are wanted for your various crimes against the Sokovia Accords.  Additionally, Miss Romanoff is wanted for similar crimes."

   "And we still don't know where she is?" Steve asked, crossing his arms. 

   "No, we do not," T'Challa answered. 

   The team all looked concerned for their friend.  "I apologize for solemn news, but I must being going," the soon-to-be king announced as the team nodded as he left. 

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