Chapter 12 •Я, разрушитель•

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•Я, разрушитель•
[I, Destroyer]

   Upon arriving at the Avengers facility, Wanda felt no presence, well, actually she did.  It was a subconscious feeling that something was there, not just her friend.  The lights were off, it was night.  Strange.  Flicking a light on, she saw a silhouette in the middle of the room.  Gasping she asked, "Who are you?!"

   Stepping into the light, it revealed to be a man with a classy, fitted suit, well-trimmed facial hair while holding a glass of whiskey.  "Don't you recognize me?" Tony asked, "You look rather pale.  Are you sick?"

   "I'm looking for Vision."

   "Oh, he's resting, well, on shutdown mode.  You know, it's an android thing.  How ya been?  Heard ole Cap broke you out of the Raft."

   She tensed at the mention of Steve and took careful steps forward.  "I won't tell you where I'm residing, but I can assure you it's safe."

   "Good.  Look, this is gonna seem like the liquor's talking, Wanda, but I mean this."

   "Mean what, Tony?"

   He sighed, putting down the glass of whiskey and crossing his arms over his chest while he sat on the arm of the couch.  "I made a mistake.  The man who was supposed to interrogate Barnes wasn't exactly there."

   "What do you mean?"

   "That man you saw at the interrogation was Baron Zemo a fellow Sokovian."

   Wanda soon became closed off, looking at the floor and bringing her arms in.  "What-what else?"

   "He wanted to tear the Avengers apart from the inside.  After all, we essentially caused his family's death."

   "So it was vengeance?"

   Tony nodded.  "You know, the UN bombing was made out to look like Barnes did it.  Turns out, Zemo used a facial prosthetic and wig to look like Barnes and framed him."

   Wanda suddenly became infuriated.  "He needs to be turned in!  That man killed innocent people in the name of his family!  He caused strong bonds to break...he thought he was doing them justice."

   "Seems so to him.  He's been captured though and is being held for trial by the UN.  His accounts...terrorism, obstruction of justice, and inciting a crime against the Accords."

   "They're charging him for starting our feud?"

   "Well, yes.  After Lagos which then led to the Accords, the bombing occurred and the UN has concluded that Zemo used terrorism as an incentive for the...our little Civil War."

   "They also believe that since he used terrorism as a ploy that he actually shut down the airport in Berlin.  In fact, Zemo knew we would meet there and shut down the airport to get us closer to fighting.  They got him on camera."

   "At least, we won't have to deal with him anymore."

   "Let's hope not."

   "Wanda?" Vision asked as he appeared in the living space.

   "Vision," she acknowledged with a smirk. 

•Из России с любовью• [From Russia With Love] [BuckyNat Series Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now