Chapter 14 •Хорошие старые воспоминания•

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•Хорошие старые воспоминания•
[Good Old Memories]

With a frustrated huff, Steve left Sam to gather his thoughts and stormed off the find his pal. I should've never told him what happened between Wanda and I. The soldier figured Bucky wouldn't want to be all heated in a group of people, they were too vulnerable to him. At least, that's what Bucky feared.

The blond made his to Bucky's bedroom only the find the door slightly ajar. His brows furrowed and pushed open the door, revealing a clearly distress Bucky sitting on the edge of his bed with his head in his hands. "Bucky? We need to talk, pal," Steve said in a scolding tone, irritated with his friend's actions.

"I already fixed the problem for you. She deserved to hear that, every word!" Bucky yelled, standing from the edge of his bed.

"I don't think fixing a problem involves someone crying," Steve explained, his large arms crossed.

Bucky frowned at him. "Sam told me. I don't want you fighting my battles, Buck. I can handle them myself. I appreciate the concern, but you were way outta line, man. Look, I know the love there was unorthodox and confusing, but she handled it respectfully and with my feelings considered. She could've cheated on me, but she didn't. 'Cause like you said, she's a good girl."

"I'm...gonna go to bed now."

"Don't be like this, man. It's not attractive. Plus, Wanda and Nat are friends. Nat ain't gonna like how you treated Wanda, so you better fix this. Night, Buck."

"Night Steve."


It was the morning after the heated argument between Wanda and Bucky, and it was the talk of the Palace. Though to preserve both party's reputations, T'Challa ordered that it only be talked about very little. The king was not pleased with what Bucky had done and favored the witch, but he still admired the soldier and wanted to preserve his image.

Like Natasha intended, she walked down to Wanda's bedroom, knocking lightly on the door. She, of course, received no answer figuring Wanda was either still asleep or in no mood to talk. Nat grabbed the door handle, pressing her ear against the door. "I'm coming in," she warned again with no feedback.

She opened the door and walked in, seeing no witch in the bed or anywhere. Then she heard the shower going and smiled. She's here at least. Soon the shower turned off and emerged Wanda from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her, drying her soaking wet hair. Natasha's eyes lingered on the healing bullet wounds in the girl's shoulder. "Nat!"

"Get dressed so we can talk," Nat said abruptly, taking her eyes reluctantly off the scars.

"But I...Nat," she sighed. "There's nothing to talk about."

"Yeah, there is. Now, c'mon get dressed so we can talk."

"Fine," the witch huffed.

Wanda retreated into her closet, grabbing some clothes angrily and trudging into the bathroom. "Hey, don't slam the door now," Nat teased as an annoyed Wanda shut the door gracefully.

Nat waited a bit until Wanda was taking too long and the widow got annoyed as well, knocking on the bathroom door. "Come on now, we're not seeing the Queen of England here. You've taken long enough in there."

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