Chapter 6 •Гражданская война: Часть 1•

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•Гражданская война: Часть 1•
[Civil War: Part 1]

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Baron Zemo blinked, smirking as he saw Bucky's hands unclench and clench.  The soldier looked up into the camera, momentarily, sending a chill down Natasha's spine.  The widow flinched when she heard a booming voice-Clint's voice-enter the room.  "Anyone call for a master archer and a psychic?" He asked, an arm around Wanda.

   "Hey Barton.  Nice to see you," Steve said, shaking his hand, and turning to Wanda.  "Wanda, how's your shoulder?"

   "Fine.  Thanks to Clint and his wife.  It's a little sore but-"

   "A lot sore, stop lying," Clint corrected as the witch rolled her eyes.  "Hey, don't sass me, missy," he teased.

   Wanda's brows furrowed at the screens all over room, noticing Natasha distance herself from the screens.  "Is that your friend, Steve?" She asked, carefully crossing her arms as she further entered the room.

   "Yeah.  He's being evaluated, questioned.  All that fun stuff," he confirmed. 

   Wanda frowned at Natasha, her thoughts of uncertainty and fear, hitting the witch in the heart.  She felt tears at the edge of her eyes, knowing very well of those feelings during the Battle of Sokovia.  She feared losing her brother and it ended in truth.  She walked up behind the widow, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

   "[Эй, ты в порядке, Наташа?]  Hey, are you okay, Natasha?"

   "[Что?  Все нормально.  Почему мы выступая русский?  бояться они будут услышьте нас?]  What?  I'm fine.  Why are we speaking Russian?  Afraid they'll hear us?" Natasha responded quietly, turning her head an inch. 

   "[Это является частным.  Я знаю, что вы чувствовать себя плохо о это.  Я чувствую вашу боль, Наташа.]  This is private.  I know you feel bad about this.  I can feel your pain, Natasha."

   "That's not pain, kid, it's blatant nerves.  It happens.  Even to me," She whispered, surprising Wanda with the sudden change to English. 

On the table beside him, Steve looked over the newspapers showing Bucky supposedly in Vienna. "Why would the Task Force release this photo to begin with?" The blond asked, whispering to Sam.

"Get the word out, involve as many eyes as they can?" Sam said, shrugging.

"Right.  It's a good way to coax a guy out of hiding. Set off a bomb, get your picture taken. Get seven billion people looking for the Winter Soldier," Steve replied.

"You saying he was framed in order to be found? Steve, we looked for this guy for two years with Natasha and found nothing," he protested.

"We didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads," the blond retorted.

"Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever framed him would get him. It guarantees that we would," Sam frowned, looking back at the camera on Zemo.

"Yeah," Steve said, sharply eyeing Zemo on the monitors.

   The room quickly blacked out, red emergency lights soon coming on.  "What the hell's going on?  Stark, can you find the source of this?" a thin gray-haired man commanded, sighing as he paced around the room. 

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