Chapter 8 •Гражданская война: часть 3•

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•Гражданская война: часть 3•
[Civil War: Part 3]

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    Neither Steve or Bucky knew of what had happened to Rhodes, so they continued to climb until they reached optimal altitude heading for Siberia.  Bucky was seated him, looking down at his shoes as Steve set the jet on autopilot.  "What's gonna happen to your friends?" Bucky asked, thinking of Wanda, Clint, Sam, and Scott.  Especially Natasha

   Steve stares into the sky full of clouds, taking a deep breath as his lips twitches into a small frown.  "Whatever it is... I'll deal with it."

   "What about the redhead?  What'll happen to her?  She helped us," Bucky reminded him as Steve shut his eyes tightly. 

   "Natasha?  I...don't know." 

   He really didn't know. 

   "I don't know if I'm worth all this, Steve.  All this fallout for me?" The Soldier questioned.

   "What you did all those years... it wasn't you. You didn't have a choice, Buck," Steve assured him, glancing back. 

   "Yeah, I know.  But I did it," Bucky smiled sadly.

   Steve frowned again, turning his head back to the sky.  He is worth all this.  He is worth all of this, Steve said to convince himself.


"Wanda! Hey!" Clint yelled, running to her slumped form on the tarmac.

He shook her in an attempt to wake her from her unconscious state. Unfortunately, there was no movement. "C'mon kid."

Scott stood over them, hands on his hips, looking sympathetically at the girl. "What's...what's wrong with the blood coming from her ears?" Scott asked.

"Temporary hearing loss? Stark's suits got those sonic wave things. It must've damaged her ear drums. Dammit," he hissed.

The men looked over their shoulders, hearing Sam come in on his wings. "Hey, what happened?" He asked, concerned.

"Rhodes shot her a sonic blast device," Clint informed him. 

"And now he's injured bad-"

"[Schritt weg von den Mädchen!] Step away from the girl!" a German armed officer yelled, pointing an assault rifle at Sam, Scott, and Clint.

"What's he saying?" Sam murmured.

"Maybe he'll let us go. Uh... Mein Hintern sieht aus wie ein Quadrat!" Scott yelled with his hands up.

"What'd you say to him?" Clint asked.

"I don't know. We come in piece, I think."

"[Runter auf die Knie!] Down on your knees!" Another officer yelled.

"I'm afraid I know what they're here for, Ant-Dude," Clint whispered, "And it ain't gonna be pretty."

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