Chapter 9 •В бегах•

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•В бегах•
[On the Run]

"We don't need no...eduuucaatiooonn," Scott sang out as he drummed his hands on the cold cell floor to the right tempo.

   "We don't need no thought control," he continued.

   Wanda then rolled her eyes, wishing she could cover her ears, however, she was tightly bound in a straight jacket.  "You're ruining a classic, Scott," she mumbled in an annoyed tone.


   "Shut up, Lang!" Clint shouted, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

   "In the wall..." Scott whispered under his breath sheepishly.  "Hey, when are we gonna get some food?  I'm starving."

   "You keep up that so-called singing and we're not getting food," Sam said sassily. 

   Wanda jumped at the sound of a piercing alarm, not quite used to incredibly loud noise.  Though, she became temporarily hard of hearing from Rhodes' sonic blasts in Germany.  She could barely hear the signal on the first day.  "Alright, whattya got for us today?" Sam asked the guard through the steel bars.

   "Uh Soup...and crackers," a guard answered.

   "Jesus, again?  I swear if it's that damn Campbell's chicken noodle-" Clint shouted, but was cut off by the head guard Alex Stantton.

   "Relax Mr. Barton.  And yes, it is.  You know, you could have no soup or crackers?  What's your take?"

   "Just give us our dinner and leave us the hell alone."

   "'Fraid I can't do that.   We have to be in the same cell with Miss Maximoff while she eats."

   "That's kind of creepy, you know?" Sam asked.  "You guys creeps or something?"

   "Yeah, you like just watching poor girls eat soup, huh?"

   "Scott," Clint acknowledged. 

   "I'll shut up," he said quickly while pursing his lips. 

   Curled into a ball in the corner, Wanda just laid there against the wall as two heavily armed guards entered, the head then placing her blue tray of soup and crackers on the floor.  "You know the drill, Miss Maximoff.  You attempt to escape and we will use aggressive force against you," the head guard Alex Stantton reminded as he looked her straight her dead, lifeless eyes. 

   The two guards aimed their assault rifles at the witch as the head guard carefully released her from her straight jacket.  With a fake smile plastered on his sweaty face, the head slid her the tray.  "Eat up...Scarlet Witch."

   She just sat there, staring at the tray, having no appetite to eat.  Gritting his teeth, he slid the tray up against her knees.  "Why aren't you eating?  Aren't you hungry?"

   "Maybe if she didn't have freaking guns pointed at her!" Clint yelled, slamming his fists against the bars. 

   "Lower your weapons," the head commanded and the guards followed his orders exact.  "Now will you eat?" He asked her softly.  "It's quite good.  The crackers have salt on them.  Here's a warm tea.  The broth is rather relaxin-"

   "I don't want it," Wanda muttered.

   The head chuckled and shook his head.  "What?"

   "I can't stomach it."

   "It's chicken noodle soup.  It's supposed to help your stomach.  Now eat."

   "I don't want it," she repeated.

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