Chapter 4 •Маленькая красная балерина•

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•Маленькая красная балерина•
[Little Red Ballerina]

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   They handed her a gun.  It felt cold and dirty.  With that, her officer handed her a black leather suit.  Her green eyes turned up, peering into his dark brown ones, which were practically black.  Her lips trembled as she realized of what her hands were meant for: killing.  The officer creaked forward, his shoulders broad and bulky.  His strong jaw clenched and looked Natalia up and down.  "You assist the soldat with his mission," he informed, licking his thin lips.

   "What is our mission?" The redhead asked, her accent carrying heavy. 

   The officer opened up the Manila file with his large, calloused hands and handed the widow a grainy picture.  "A political opponent against Stalin.  You, and the soldat shall enter the protest in Tomsk.  The two of you will pose as a couple.  Enter the protest, find him,  Arkady Nikolaev and his little brother Nikolai.  You kill both and flee."

   "A-a couple?" She asked, stuttering at though of being together with the blue-eyed soldier. 

   The officer backhanded her and growled, spit dripping from his lip.  "No questions, widow!  Soldat!  вводить," he demanded.

The metal armed man entered slowly appearing into the dimly lit room. The officer turned around and smirked, returning his glance to the intimidated widow. "He is not in full Winter Soldat mode. He is in binary mission mode: he is able to act normal, but still perform his orders. Come, soldat."

Natalia's eyes flickered between the officer's and the soldier's. She then noticed an evident softness held in the soldier's blue irises. His look was firm, yet warm. The soldier stepped forward and nodded to Natalia. "Widow Romanova, you will assist me on my mission," the soldier told her, his voice monotone and emotionless.

"Soldat, uh, we go to protest, yes? We play a couple, yes?" She confirmed.


"Soldat, take the widow to the avtomobil'," the officer order as the soldier nodded, taking Natalia with a strong grip on the arm.

"What do I do with this outfit?" She asked as the soldier grabbed it hastily.

"Put it in the trunk, but take the gun."

"The truck is yours?"

"For missions."


The soldier's boots took clumps of snow and dirt along with them. He threw a long coat at the widow and she caught it with ease. She slipped into the truck and the soldier turned the key in the ignition. The truck tumbled around and the smell of diesel filled their nostrils. With one glance, he took her in, her eyes, her hair, her lips, her hands, her everything. He was conscious of himself and aware of what he was doing, but he had no recollection of a past life. This is all he knew.

Suddenly, the broad man stepped on the gas and the truck pulled along. Natalia studied the ice crystals lined along with the edge of the window. She watched as the snow flurries swam by and the rolling hills descended from the Red Room facility. A fraction of a smirk appeared on her face, the glorious mountains towering over the snow-covered valleys. "My homeland is beautiful, I think," she murmured with a toothy grin and turned to the soldier who held a straight face.

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