Once Upon a Time

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Once upon a time, there was a little mermaid who wanted to touch the sky.

Though it was forbidden to all subjects of the sea, the little mermaid defied her royal father and broke the surface.

Only to discover the sky was still so very much out of reach and the surface of the sea was different to her home below.

On the surface, forces tossed her back and forth, churning the sea into huge waves that crashed down over her head.

Brilliant lights split the skies and noises, so loud they made her ears tremble, vibrated through her, head to tail.

And strange, monstrous beasts sailed across the sea, fins flaring from its towering limbs as odd little creatures ran back and forth across its back as brilliant golden lights blazed across its hard skin, the strangest screams echoing from the beast.

Terror gripped the little mermaid and she decided she did not like the surface. The skies were cruel and monsters crashed through the waves, destroying all in the way.

She would have returned and never left her home again until she spied something that her curiosity could not ignore.

One of the odd little creatures fell.

A burst of the raging gold exploded near it and it was thrown clear from the back, falling into the sea.

Others on the monster's back ran to the edge, leaning over and she realised they were what made the screaming noises.

So she ducked back under the waves and swam to the fallen being.

Horror gripped her when she spied him because she knew him to look at him.

He was one of them.

But his tail was broken.

Ripped in two, the fins gone, the broken mer-boy floated in the water, sinking into the depths.

He didn't breath.

He didn't take breath the way she did.

The sea did not flow around him, it did not embrace him, it did not comfort him. It let him sink, confused by his presence, unsure what to do with him and she realised that, no, this was not a broken mer-boy.

This was something that mimicked her kind but mimicked them poorly and he would die, the sea unforgiving to his type.




A sudden, compelling love for that which was so different and so alike herself?

She could never say what made her do it, but she saved the boy. If he could breathe above the surface, she would take him to the surface. If he was not accepted by the seas, she would take him to the land, the strange, hard surface she had only heard tell of, different from the sea beds, rocks and coral reefs of her world.

The boy did not die.

She pulled him up onto the land – which was cold and unaccepting of her body – and he eventually took a breath.

He saw her, for just a moment, she knew he had seen her. He opened his eyes and looked at her, eyes dazed as if he were seeing a vision.

She later came to know the boy as a human.

Creatures similar to her but they walked on legs and did not belong in the sea. She had witnessed a storm. She had felt the wind, seen the lightning and heard the thunder.

The beast had not been alive, merely a ship, a creation made by human hands to carry them over the waves to others distant lands. And the gold, that moved as if it were alive, had been fire, a great enemy to water.

The boy had survived. The others on his sinking ship... the little mermaid did not know.

And while her dearest friend wished to disenchant her from the lands above, the little mermaid found herself drawn to it, to the boy who was so different from her and yet similar.

To the boy who grew, over the years, to be handsome and striking.

And ever out of her reach.

Just like the sky. 


Next Up: In a moment

Art By: Christian Birmingham

Aaaaand we're back! Happy Valentines Day to all - this is my Valentines Day gift for you~

Back with The Little Mermaid - or sorts. This will be the first story we see from the POV from the magical being - as it were. 

So, I'm hoping to start lots of things this time around. 

When I suggested a shop, there was a nicely positive response so I have ideas to start looking into for that. Aunt_Beany suggested more then just jewellery but artwork for characters as well - along with the masks described in Dancing on Glass (Formerly Cinderella). The masks... for nooooow may be a tad beyond my means (and bank balance to make lol) but the art work, now THAT I can look at. 

Also, I mentioned a FaceBook page. That is officially up for those who want another platform to chat on. Again, I know not everyone uses FB so I will look into getting a proper place for chatter, but FB is the start. ATM it's for The Rose Quartet and the other stories in the Uncollected Stories Series. 

If people want a page for all the books - ie, a general Rena Freefall page - i'll set that up, but I'm getting ahead of myself. For now, link to the new page is in the comments, in my conversation page and on my main page. Hope to see you there~

- Side note for the people who asked: I had said I planned on updating my other books which have been on hold for MONTHS. Sorry, I really did intend to update but I found I was more drain then I thought ^^ Really, I will try to get to them soon. 

ANYWAY! After all that natter

Welcome back!

Or welcome if this is your first book.

Who do we have this time around? 

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