Eyes of Brilliant Blue

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"So... does someone want to explain to me why there are cracks all over my tank?"

Cole glanced at Perry who had his hands clasped behind his back and was rocking on his heels. His crew member gave the ceiling a very innocent look and avoided his captain's eye.

"Perry," Cole said and Perry jumped, looking around at the group who all turned to him.

"Y... yes Sir?" he asked, smiling at Cole.

"You're an expert in all things otherworldly and non-existent – at least not supposed to exist," Cole said, folding his arms and titling his head to the side, "Why don't you explain to His Highness why a sturdy tank like this one here may have cracked over night?"

"Ur..." Perry glanced at Dalton who was eyeing him darkly. Jazz and Cynthia looked at him curiously and Aeralie looked between him and Kazimir. Kazimir, in turn, was lounging on his stomach, on a rock, his chin on his palm, tail absently drifting back and forth, watching Perry with a lazy expression.

"Go on then," Kazimir shot at him, "How are you going to explain it?"

Perry winced. "Bad structuring?" he suggested and Kazimir rolled his eyes.

"This tank was built to withhold an extraordinary amount of water – far more than what it is able to hold in terms of physical space," Dalton snapped, "It was not bad structure. Do you honestly think I would put him in something that could break? What if it breaks in the night and he lands on the glass, I wouldn't take such a risk."

He turned away, sighed and pressing his fingertips to his forehead.

"I'll have to speed up the new space for him, this tank is too dangerous," he said, mostly to himself.

"Decent of you to worry after seeming to not care about strangling him," Cole commented absently and Dalton glared at him.

He didn't answer though and instead turned away.

"Let's go," was all he said, walking to the doors. "There's a lot to do today, I need to get started."

The others trailed out, Perry moving over to Aeralie's wheelchair before her servants could and smiling, taking the handles and pushing her out.

Kazimir watched them go, letting out a breath as he watched Perry and Aeralie leave, clearing having a conversation no one else was privy to.

The doors closed on the group and he blinked.

Cole hadn't left the room.

The pirate looked at him for a moment, then walked to the window and opened it, leaning out and looking down.

"You can see the sea from this room, you know?" he said.

Kazimir cocked his head to the side, watching the man. He couldn't be bothered with glaring and growling at him at that moment, he was tired.

"Did Perry make you angry last night, is that why the glass is all cracked up?" Cole asked, looking back at him. Kazimir just looked at him. "He can be a bit of a brat, but I'm sure he didn't mean to make you angry."

Kazimir snorted and looked away. A brat? If he wanted to meet a brat, he needed to get to know Aeralie. She was too used to getting her own way and until now it had never been that burdensome on him. Whatever she wanted, he had provided for her. Well, maybe it was his own fault for indulging her too such extremes. He hadn't imagined it would backfire on him so spectacularly.

"You really can understand me, can't you?"

Kazimir blinked and looked at Cole again, who was leaning against the windowsill, watching him.

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