The Same Direction

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Cole whirled around, took three steps back and collided with the wall just as Kazimir's hand slammed into the wall right by his head.

"Maybe it's different here but where I come from, it's rude to follow people around when you haven't been invited," Kazimir said, frowning, his other hand on his hip, leaning forwards with a glare.

"Hey now, no need to be so suspicious. We were just going in the same direction," Cole said, holding up his hands and grinning, "Why? Got something to hide?"

"No, should I?" Kazimir shot back.

"Alright, alright. I was just wondering if you were lost, this palace is a maze."

"That so? I thought you were just going in the same direction."


"Uh huh. I'm not lost," Kazimir said, pushing back and turning, walking away. Cole watched him for a moment, then grinned and pushed away from the wall, falling into step.

"So, you're up and about and well. Pretty amazing considering the sea at the moment."

"The sea isn't at its coldest yet," Kazimir said bluntly. "I'm lucky it's the beginning of winter and not the start of summer."

"Hmm, true. Still."

"Who are you, by the way?"

"Cole de Val, Captain."

Kazimir shot him a glance out of the corner of his eye, looking him up and down. "You? A captain?"

"Well I didn't say I was captain of anything legal."


"You've heard of the Black Dragon Pirates, I assume?"

Kazimir looked at him for a moment, then took two steps to the side and doubled his pace.

"Hey, hey. Nothing to be scared of. Come on, does this face look like it would do you harm?" Cole asked, grinning and speeding up.

"I've had enough of your kind for a lifetime."

"I can imagine. So, captured by pirates?"

"You keep some lovely company."

Cole laughed. "Hardly my company or I'm an awful friend."

"Why's that?"

"Ah, I suppose you don't know that it was my ship that sank the ship you were held on."

Kazimir stared at him. "What? Why?"

"They were attacking the ship Jazz and Princess Cynthia were on."

"Wh... I don't understand. You're a pirate – or so you say. Why would you protect royalty? In fact, why are you even here? You should be in jail, not waltzing around the palace!"

"The princes and I go way back – like way, way back – there are some perks to be friends. I don't make a nuisance of myself while visiting; they turn a blind eye to my life choices."

The corner of Kazimir's mouth hitched up with disapproval and he looked away. "As I said, I've had enough of your kind. Excuse me."

"Hey, come on. Not even a thank you?"

"For what? You could have killed me."

"But I didn't. And without us you would still be on that ship."

"You didn't come after us specifically. We were an accidental find. And you didn't recuse us after the attack, it was pure luck Aeralie washed up and I was pulled out of the sea."

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