Touch The Sky

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The wave passed.

The evening followed it

Then went the night.

By the evening the next day, Perry walked down the cliff steps and looked towards the ocean.

Kazimir sat at the shore, unmoved for hours, gazing out over the sea, the chill winter breeze brushing his hair.

Perry took a slow, deep breath, released it, then walked down the beach, sitting down on the cold sand beside him and looking out across the still ocean.

"The sea seems to have returned to normal," he commented.

"So it has," Kazimir muttered, not looking at him, barely even moving, "The king fixed the sea and everything is as it should be."

Perry looked at him.

Kazimir didn't say anymore and Perry eventually looked away.

"Dalton's still up at the castle, trying to fix things in the absence of his father. His mother has taken to her bed after almost screaming the palace down."

"And how are his siblings coping with the sudden loss of their father?"

"I don't rightly think they care," Perry admitted.

"I can't say I'm surprised."

"Cole's stuck up there with Dalton. I think Dalton is feeling a little overwhelmed so he's helping."

"I see."

Perry glanced at Kazimir, then looked away and ran out of idle chatter.

"So... Kazimir... what ha... I mean... uh..."

"The sea took her."

Perry looked at Kazimir but he didn't change, just continued to stare blankly out over the sea.

"When we die, one of two things happen. We die like mortals. Our bodies are nothing more than flesh and bone and we are put to rest in traditional fashion. That is common. Another thing that can happen is the sea takes us back. We become seafoam. Seems rather uninspiring when you think about it."

"So... she's..."

"She's gone."

Perry looked down at the sand, absently digging a small groove into the damp ground with his finger as he bit his lip.

"I'm sorry."

The words were startling and Perry looked at Kazimir in shock.

"I know you were fond of her, I'm sorry you had to lose her," Kazimir said.

"What? No, I mean... I... yes, but you lost something so much greater. I should be saying that to you."

Kazimir shrugged. "Mermaids die. It happens," he said, "We grow up knowing that. We are all susceptible to death and we exist in the world that could kill us at any moment."

"It doesn't make it easier," Perry said.

"No. It does not."

"What... will you do now?"

Kazimir was quiet for a moment, then blinked and looked at him. "Do?" he copied. "What else is there to do? She is gone. I am still alive. I can only do what anyone who loses someone does, keep going."

"...Of course."

They fell quiet again, watching the sunset on the horizon.

"Won't you come inside?"

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