Fire on the Ice

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Kazimir slowly glided back across the ice, watching the scars his skates cut through the surface follow along in his wake.

The moonlight drifted in and out of sight, illuminating him for moments before throwing him back into the golden light of the flaming torches that lit the edges of the lake.

He agreed with Aeralie.

They should go home.

It didn't matter the reason for their disappearance if they both left. He couldn't explain away Aeralie vanishing if he stayed alone.

So they had to leave.

If she wanted to go then they had to leave.

He absently changed foot, adjusting the curve his route and switched back to his leading foot, running a hand through his ponytail.

So tonight, while the rest of the castle was asleep, he would slip away and go home. He would speak to his mother. He would return in the morning then the following night they would leave and be done with it.

It would be a relief to be away for good. It would be a relief to get back home and... well, now that he thought about it, how was he going to explain their disappearance for his uncle?

The king would be raging.

He would blame Kazimir, that was for sure, even if Kazimir had been in the palace the entire time. It was always Kazimir's fault.

He let out a breath; the mist whirling passed him as he slid backwards, picking up speed.

What did he say to Dalton?

What did it matter?

Why was he even wondering? He didn't say anything to Dalton. He didn't owe Dalton any explanation. He didn't owe the man anything.

Was he honestly forgetting who had stuck him in a fish tank for their first meeting?

No, he wasn't.

He didn't need to say anything to Dalton. They understood each other, that was it.

... So what did he say to Cole?

Again, what did it matter?

It didn't. There was nothing between them to warrant a need to tell him anything. It would be a relief to Cole if anything; Kazimir's presence just wound him up.

He was too easily affected by Kazimir's 'charm.' Typical human. Kazimir hadn't even been trying with that one and he was enchanted. For Cole's sake, it would be better that Kazimir left.

Was it a shame they would never meet again... well maybe...

But he could think about that when he was back home, safely below the waves, away from Cole and Dalton and all the annoying humans who threw things off kilter.

He glanced down at his skates.

What a shame it would be to not skate again.

What a shame to never dance again.

He closed his eyes, blotting out the coming hours, before glancing over his shoulder to check where he would land, turning for the forwards take off and lifting into the air, tucking his arms in close as he span through the air – 1, 2, 3, 4... 5.

He landed hard and kept his balance. Perfect.

When would he ever have the chance to fly like that again?

Applause broke his focus and he looked towards the bank, surprised that anyone else would be out in the cold and dark at this time.

He blinked.

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