Silence to Sound

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"His face!"

Aeralie grabbed Perry's bicep with the strength of a tightened vice and pointed as Dalton appeared.

She, Perry, Kazimir, Jazz, Cynthia and Cole were congregated outside in one of the grand gardens, enjoying hot tea in the crisp winter air, everyone scattered around the gazebo that shaded them from the darkening clouds above, lounging in large cushioned chairs or on huge pillows that were dropped on the floor.

Everyone looked around as Dalton appeared at the top of the stairs that led out from one of the balcony doors then made his way down the steps and into the garden.

His cheekbone had a vicious gash through it, red and raw and angry but still fragile enough that a slight bump or pull could make it bleed again.

Cole shot to his feet.

"What happened?" he cried, running out to meet Dalton, catching his arms, leaning down to see the cut.

"Nothing, it's fine," Dalton said, waving him off and walking forwards until he reached the gazebo. He looked at everyone for a moment, then smoothed his sleeves. "I realised I've been failing miserably as a host these last few days. I hope you'll let me join you for tea," he said.

Everyone looked blankly at him. Cynthia was the one to smoothly pull a chair away from the table.

"You hardly need to ask," she said, her smile easy.

Dalton bowed his head to her and stepped up onto the gazebo.

He glanced down at Kazimir, who was sprawled out on one of the giant cushions, a book propped on his stomach, resting against his thighs, his cup to his lips and he looked up at Dalton.

They were quiet for a moment as they looked at each other.

"You still look awful," Kazimir finally commented.

Everyone gaped at him and Dalton sneered at him, kicking his foot and dropping into the chair Cynthia had pulled out for him. A servant came forward and prepared his tea and everyone else settled back into their conversations.

Aeralie quickly shifted her chair over to him.

Dalton glanced at her, then blinked. "Princess Aeralie," he said, "I'm sorry I've been so absent. How are you?" he asked, turning towards her and leaning forwards to see the notebook Perry had found for her so she could write her answer down if Kazimir wasn't nearby and the sign language was beyond what he and Cynthia knew.

"I'm glad to see that. And how are you finding the palace? Is there anything you might like to do while you're staying with us?" Dalton continued.

Aeralie was practically fizzing with excitement at the prospect of finally talking to him and their conversation was easy and simple, smooth as anything.

Kazimir watched, his teacup still against his lips.

His gaze absently travelling between Aeralie – who was watching Dalton with big, bright eyes – to Dalton – who was looking at her notebook with seemingly genuine interest – and then onto Perry.

Perry sat apart from the pair, watching, his expression now downcast.

Someone dropped onto the cushion beside him, making him jump, almost dropping his cup and he glared at Cole who settled back, watching the trio, linking his fingers and resting them on his stomach.

"You know you can't just say things like that to a royal, correct?" he muttered after a moment, watching Perry who was absently flicking through a book, not reading any of it.

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