Perry in the Middle

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Kazimir stared at Perry as he looked around the room, moving to one side then changing his mind and going the other way. Aeralie pressed herself back against the glass tank, hand over her mouth and yet Perry walked towards her like he had planned to meet her there.

Kazimir shot to the edge of the tank, hands pressed against the glass and Perry smiled at him.

"Relax, I'm not going to hurt them," he said, giving him a small bow of the head before leaning forwards and looking down at Aeralie. "Hello there."

Aeralie jumped, tensing, before looking back up at him.

Perry's face turned red and instantly his voice seemed to stick in his throat as he stared at her.

"Uh... ah... he... hello!"

Aeralie flinched at the burst of sound as he greeted her and Kazimir frowned at him, watching the blush deepen as all the calm-collected charm he'd seemed to possess while talking to his captain drained away in the face of a pretty girl.

"I... you... ur... Perry, I'm Perry!"

Kazimir rolled his eyes and drifted away. "Moron human," he muttered.

Aeralie in turned stared at the hand Perry was offering her before slowly reaching up and taking it. Perry shook it on instinct, then gasped and pulled her up instead, so fast she almost fell over.

"Sorry!" he cried, catching her, "Sorry! Are you alright?"

Aeralie nodded before looking down at their hands. Perry looked down then quickly let go, backing away and Kazimir gave one of the nearby rocks a withering look.

"You— um... you're... are you alright standing?" he asked quickly, "It's not too tiring?"

Aeralie quickly shook her head, then paused and nodded, looking down.

Perry smiled slightly. "You... ur..." The words stalled for a moment. "Ur... you can speak... if you want."

Aeralie looked up at him, then touched her throat, glanced at Kazimir – who wasn't looking – and shook her head.

Perry looked at her in surprise, then quickly shook his own head and pointed to his temple. "No, I meant you can speak with your mind – I can understand you."

Aeralie and Kazimir stared at him as he seamlessly slid between physical speech and mental and he gave a wincing smile at the wide eyes.

"You're one of us?!" they both cried in shock and he jumped, holding up his hands.

"What? No, no," he said quickly, "no, not at all. Completely wrong element."

"Wrong element?" Aeralie asked.

"What are you then?" Kazimir shot back.

Perry smiled, lifting a hand. "Well... not quite opposite... I suppose," he said.

A soft breeze filtered through the room, strong enough to lift Aeralie's hair from her shoulders and her eyes widened.

"You're a sky siren!" she shouted, pointing at him and he winced.

"Well, something like that," he said.

"What in the name of the sea is a person of the sky doing with humans? Pirates no less?" Kazimir said, frowning in disgust as he folded his arms.

"Hmm, for the fun of it, mainly," Perry said and Kazimir glared at him.

Aeralie just stared at him, her eyes shining and Perry smiled.

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