Looking Inside Out

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Kazimir woke submerged in water.

For a moment, the relief was intense, to feel the warmth of water surrounding him.

Then he noticed something was wrong.

The water didn't move around him as it should.

There was no current or tide. No push or pull or shift.

And no salt.

His eyes snapped opened.

He was in fresh water, not salt water.

He sat bolt upright, staring around him. He lay against a bed of seaweed, coral surrounding him. He didn't know this place. He didn't know where he was.

He shot off the floor, looking around, trying to understand his surroundings, staring up at the sun but he couldn't see it.

Where was he?

Where was he?!

He went right. As fast as he could. If he could just see something that could help him figure out his location.

He turned over, looking back as he swam, trying to spy something above.

The force with which he collided with the wall almost knocked him out.

He let out a cry, gripping his shoulder, collapsing to the floor again, trembling before he looked around.

He blinked in confusion.

There wasn't anything there.

Nothing for him to collide wi—

His eyes widened.

Slowly, he turned around, lifted his hands and pressed them to the invisible wall, looking out beyond it.

There was a room beyond.

But... it wasn't a room like anything he would see at home.

His hands flew to his mouth and he pushed away from the wall, swimming back the way he had come, his heart in his mouth, panic raging through him.

He threw up his hands at the last second and slammed into the wall again, the force shaking his entire body, his nails scrabbling against it.

He shot upwards and collided with the same thing.

What was it?

What had his mother called it?


Was that it?

He was surrounded by glass!

Glass could be broken.

Glass could break.

He slammed against the wall again.

And again.

And again.

Bruising his shoulder. Rattling his brain. He was going to break his arm at this rate.

But he couldn't stop! He had to get out!

He had to get out!

"Stop! Before you hurt yourself!"

The voice, muffled behind the glass, made him stop and he looked around.

Someone stood in the distance, on the other side of the glass, their features blurred until he carefully made his way over and the sight made him recoil.

It was a human.

They stood on the other side of the glass, in the water-less room beyond with its armchairs and tables and fireplace with fire lit.

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