Author's Notes

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First things first. I meant to put this song in the epilogue as an idea of what it was like to listen to Aeralie again but forgot because I was insanely tired and wanted to be done with it. So let's listen to it in this section instead lol. 

Also, I'll need to edit in a few things that I forgot to put in while writing the last few chapters - again, really tired... I just need to remember what those points were - one being about who Kaz and Dalton's real father actually is since we know it could have been either which I'll add into 'Touch The Sky'.... as for the rest.... eh -.-... Oh! That golden ball of light  Perry talks to in Touch the Sky, need to make it clearer who that is. I'll go do that now.

OK! Anyway, the main stuff. The actual author's notes. 

What do people usually write in these? I know a lot of writers put them at the end of books but, as we know, I never do. 

Eh, chatter time. 

So first the book. 

*Strangles book* 

I know I always say I have no idea what I'm doing when I write - and I usually never do. BUT, my books usually just write themselves and I got into the habit of depending on that. 

This one just sat there and looked at me while saying, 'Heh, good luck.' < It's because both my lead characters were nasty pieces of work. Both Aeralie and Kaz would find it far more entertaining to just kick back and watch people struggle. 

About 100 pages of this book can be cut - easily - in the rewrites. I think it might have been easier to write if I hadn't been so determined to kill off Aeralie because I wouldn't have had to shoehorn the book in a certain direction. But she'd been scheduled to die since The Rose Quartet and I wasn't changing that. It was too important a part of the original fairy tale to skip. 

(Did you know, in the original Disney script for TLM, Ariel was going to die? Walt Disney wanted to kill her (And I believe take the sky spirits route rather than the sea foam route) but the script was eventually shelved until the Renaissance Era of Disney when it was taken out again and rewritten into the script we know today. Fun Disney facts lol)

I suppose this book was a good example for those who are learning to write and are in the stage of trying to get every page perfect. 

I am an experienced writer by now - really, I promise I am, just highly undisciplined. I know I'm not published or famous or even popular as a writer on Wattpad but I am experienced and I can and will write horrendous first drafts where I'm obviously wandering around in the dark going, 'Where the hell is this book going?! Hello! Anyone got a light?

If you think the book you're working on is shit but you know you can finish it and want to finish it (or in my case, need to finish it) then forge ahead even if you're not satisfied with that chapter over there or that opening page or draft number 97 of the first three chapters. 

It's a bad habit of writers to go back and keep rewriting sections over and over and over again and never get on with the body of the book. Perfect it later. You need a completed book first. 

This book will get redone one day and be turned into a functioning novel but until then, hey, we have a story that we enjoyed reading (I hope) and that's the bit that needs to be valued. 

So just a little writing tip - now that I'm finished this book, I'll start updating my Writing Tips book among other things (I hope, I have a LOOOT of things to do lol).

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