The Fragments of My Shattered heart

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Kazimir reached for the Heart before he realised he was moving. He's body swung away from his mother, spinning, arm flying back, fingers out stretched to grab it.

Dago smiled.

"Ica," he said calmly.

Icadora grabbed a stray lock of Kazimir's hair with both hands and pulled with such force she could have torn it from his head if he hadn't tumbled backwards to relieve the pressure on his scalp, letting out a yelp as he hit the floor.

Icadora's hand released him and flew to her mouth in horror.

"Kazimir!" she cried.

"It's alright!" he said quickly, rubbing his head, "I'm alright."

"How nice to see that control again," Dago said lightly as he pulled the necklace from his neck and walked passed, absently swinging it around and around, watching them, smiling as he walked to his queen. He bent down and kissed her cheek when he was near and touched the hollow of her neck. "Now, Elaina, dear, what happened to your necklace?"

"They stole it," Elaina muttered, not moving, rooted to the spot she'd been in since he'd walked into the room.

"My, you poor thing, how awful they are," Dago said kindly, stroking her hair and looking around before spotting the necklace in Icadora's hand. "Give that back to my wife, please."

Icadora's fingers tightened on the necklace even as her arm rose.

"No!" Kazimir cried, sitting bolt upright, scrambling to his feet.

Aeralie was there first, snatching the necklace from her aunt so fast she almost fell over herself, clutching it close to her chest as she fell into Kazimir's arms, staring back at the king who stared at her.

He was quiet for a moment, then pursed his lips.

"My niece, you said?" he finally asked, looking at Icadora. "What's her name?"

"Aeralie," Icadora muttered.

"And what's your power, Aeralie, love?" he asked.

"Control," Aeralie said, slipping the necklace into Kazimir's pocket before turning, her hands behind her back.

"Ah, we share some similarities."

"Not at all. I'm more powerful," Aeralie said simply. "You dominate one person by force; I simply charm whomever I so wish."

Dago gave her a slow, silky grin, eyes glittering with interest. "Show me," he said.

Aeralie narrowed her eyes at him and his grin widened.

"Go on, show me. Show me your control. Make me return Icadora's Heart."

Aeralie stared at him for a moment.

The very fact that he was asking her – daring her – to control him meant... could it mean he wouldn't be affected? How? He was just a human.

Yes, manipulative powers didn't really work between merfolk but he wasn't a merman. He was human who held control over a mermaid.

That didn't give him her immunity did it?

Or was it like Cole?

He was immune because of the simple length of time he'd spent living around first Icadora and then Dalton?

She looked at her aunt. Icadora gave her a hopeless look.

Kazimir squeezed her hand, a plea to just try in that simple gesture.

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