Waltzing With The Past

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"You know them?" Cole asked, surprised, looking down at Kazimir.

"From when I was younger," Kazimir said and planted a hand on Cole's chest, pushing away from him and gliding across the ice. "Princess Mai."

The young princess looked around, looking at him for a moment, no recognition on her face until Kazimir smiled.

Her eyes widened.

"Kazimir?!" she cried, stunned and threw her arms out to him, him stepping forwards and wrapping his arms around her.

"Kaz? It's been so long!" the other princess said, her hair bouncing around her face as he reached to hug her.

"Princess Zola, how are you?" Kazimir said, sliding over to reach her.

"It's been so long! You've grown so tall!" Princess Zola said, running her hands through his hand and staring up at him.

Kazimir smiled. "I was always taller than you," he pointed out then looked around at the feel of Aeralie's thoughts poking his.

"What?" she said, staring between him and the two princesses, "What? What do you mean 'it's been so long'? You know these girls? What? What!"

"If you'll let me introduce you, this is Aeralie, my princess," Kazimir said, holding a hand out to Aeralie. She skated over too, taking his hand, looking between the girls.

"Nice to meet you," Mai said, smiling at her.

"How's your mother?" Zola asked him instead.

"She's well, not travelling with me this time," Kazimir said, "We ended up here under... interesting circumstances, but I'll explain later. How are you three? I didn't realise the lady they were talking about in terms of Prince Dalton was Princess Daphne."

The group looked towards Daphne and Dalton who weren't paying attention to any of them, their heads bowed close together as they spoke, their smiles gentle and intimate, clearly forgetting their had an audience.

"Oh, those two," Mai said with a dismissive wave of a hand, "ignore them. She won't register the world for the next twenty minutes."

"Absolutely unbearable," Zola said.

Aeralie squeezed Kazimir's arm.

"These three are Princess Mai, Princess Zola and Princess Daphne of a neighbouring kingdom," he explained. "Mai is the eldest, Zola is the third daughter and Daphne is the forth. There are twelve daughters over all – not to mention the sons."

Aeralie stared at him, then looked at the dramatic variations in the girls' colourings and features.

Catching her look, Mai smiled.

"We're half-sisters," she explained, "Same father." Then she seemed unable to contain herself and smiled brightly, hugging Kazimir again. "Goodness it's so good to see you," she said.

A hand on his back made Kazimir glance around as Cole stopped beside them, looking down at Mai.

"What a surprise, to learn you know these ladies," he said, "Do you know all twelve?"

"No, just the older ones," Kazimir replied, "I was closest to Mai."

Mai smiled, gesturing to the lake. "Who do you think taught him to skate?" she asked, holding out a hand.

Kazimir took it without a second thought, sliding back and Mai stepped onto the lake with him, both gliding away from the others at the shore who were left to watch.

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