The Voice

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She didn't go very far.

Aeralie sat outside the Rip Tide Palace, knees to her chest, back against the wall, looking up at the far off distant surface.

Course Icadora wasn't asking for such an extreme price to spite the daughter of her brother. Aeralie knew that. Everything Kazimir had ever told her about her mother claimed her to be a kind, intelligent powerful mermaid who was not in the habit of making fun of serious situations.

Whatever had caused her exile was between Icadora and the king but she wasn't one for playing games. And even if she were, Kazimir and his mother were close – extremely close, even with him living at the palace – she wouldn't mess around when he was in such danger.

But that price...

Was that the only thing she could give for the chance to walk on land and get Kazimir back? Surely there had to be something else, anything else.

Her voice...

That was her power.

The thing that set her apart from others.

Even compared to other sea-sirens or sky-sirens, she was powerful. She could move whole fleets of ships if she so chose to. It was why she and Kazimir had always made such a good team. With her power to charm and his ability to move the water to his will, few matched them when they worked together to meet the demands on the ocean.

Aeralie had often suspected that – even if Kazimir weren't Icadora's son – her father would dislike him regardless because he was born with so much power, that power obviously stemming from his mother.

She looked towards the flowered archway again.

Could she really do it? Could she really give up her voice for a pair of legs?

She looked down.

Kazimir would.

She knew without a doubt he would give up his command of water to go on land and get her back. But that was in his nature.

She closed her eyes, then got up, staring out at the great expanse of ocean before her, before turning and swimming back into the palace.

When she reached the circular hall again, she looked around and a small squid floated passed, one tentacle pointing to the diamond corridor. She nodded to him and swam down the glittering hall that ended in a small room, which was eerily quiet.

She hovered by the door, looking in at the white walls and bright light that shone through the windows.

The only thing in the room was a marble pedestal, with nothing on top.

Icadora was by the pedestal, not looking at her and Aeralie fidgeted and continued to fidget until her aunt said, "You can come in, you realise?"

Aeralie swam forwards, looking at the pedestal, trying to figure out what her aunt saw on the surface that was so interesting but no, there really wasn't anything there.

"So have you changed your mind?" Icadora asked, finally looking up.

"There isn't anything else I can give?" Aeralie asked, looking at her.

Thankfully her aunt didn't seem irritated by her double-checking.

"I'm afraid such wishes come with heavy consequences," she replied.

Aeralie looked down, the finally nodded." Alright," she said, looking up, "Alright. Let me be the one to go up there and get him back. Give me the chance, please."

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