When You're Gone

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To say that Dalton was surprised to find Kazimir in a foul mood in the middle of the night in the middle of the abandoned quarter of the palace was an understatement.

To say that Kazimir was in a foul mood was also an understatement. He was raging, stalking around the small indoor garden like a caged tiger, going round and round and round the fountain – he was in danger of wearing a groove into the concrete.

All Dalton had wanted was some peace and quiet away from the last stragglers of courtiers who refused to go to bed and had taken to hiding out rather than risk going to his own quarters where someone might think it an excellent idea to share a nightcap with him.

Admittedly, he also found himself surprised by the notion that he didn't mind the fact that Kazimir was his companion in his quest to avoid everyone else.

"What's wrong?" he simply asked as he walked into the garden.

Kazimir didn't even pause, just kept stomping round and round as he snapped, "He rejected me! Can you believe that? I can't! I don't get rejected! Who the hell does he think he is going on like that and then backing out?"

"Rejected you?" Dalton said, taking a seat and watching – he wouldn't tell Kazimir but it was a little amusing to see such a stoic young man unravel so suddenly.

"Cole!" Kazimir snarled, making Dalton raise an eyebrow, "Him! He rejected me!"

"Really?" Dalton said, honestly surprised.

"Break his heart, hah," Kazimir sneered, sitting down hard beside Dalton and crossing his arms and legs, "The man just doesn't know how to interpret his own feelings then runs away when he realises what it really means to..." Kazimir made a disgusted sound and ran his hands though his hair.

"You... really?" Dalton said, leaning forwards, "What happened?"

"I don't know! He just bolted."

Dalton frowned. "I... ur... I'll ask what's going on with him. Honestly, I've never known him to reject an open invitation."

"What?" Kazimir said, staring at him in horror, "No! Don't say anything to him. Don't let him know it bothers me. It's wounded pride, nothing more. I shouldn't even be telling you this."

"Why are you telling me? I'd have thought you'd tell Princess Aeralie."

"She's asleep and I'm hardly waking her for something as trivial as this," Kazimir replied instantly – also he'd eat his own tail before he told her he'd got into a situation like this with a human. She would never let him live it down.

He shoved to his feet and start circling the fountain again.

"Sorry," he added, "I didn't really think you'd show up here, I just wanted somewhere to vent without others around."

"It's alright," Dalton said, pushing to his feet and catching Kazimir's arm as he passed. "Why don't we go for a walk? You're circling like a caged animal."

Before Kazimir could say yes or no, Dalton dragged him back into the shadowed corridors of the palace quarters and set them off on a stroll.

He hated to admit it, but it helped. It gave him something to look at rather than just stomping around in one place. He could distract himself for moments by looking out of the windows, catching glimpses of other gardens, spying the interiors of rooms – dining rooms, a ballroom, bedrooms, parlours, lounge rooms, sunrooms, offices.

It was as they passed the second office that something made him stop.

Lit by moonlight, a beautiful upper-body portrait smiled out at them through the crack in the door.

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